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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: is it possible to execute _ALL_ of a query remotely then fetch the results over a db link?
Have you tried embedding the query in procedure(s) on B and then executing B
remotely from A? Depending on what you have to return, you may have to set
up a reference cursor(s) but this technique will see the execution happen on
B, the results passed to A
Bruce McCartney
> My question is this: I have two Oracle 10g boxes, A and B. I
> create a db link from A to B. I have a select query I want
> to run from A, and every table referenced in the query lives
> on B. How can I force Oracle to just send the whole thing to
> B and then get the results?
-- on Thu Feb 10 2005 - 09:21:34 CST