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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Consistent gets -- question
Hello All,
I have a situation....
We are running an etl process into a fact table has 15 fk's enabled (no
indexes associated) During the session's run i did a trace session and
this is the result from tkprof
Execute 1175 23.09 23.22 10(disk) 3616(query) 1092396(current) 56400 (rows)
As you can see there is a huge amount of current gets for 56400 rows.
Now i removed all the constraints and ran the session again. this is the result..
Execute 3520 29.60 29.02 0 6796(query) 14530 (current) 168960 (rows)
The result shows very minimal current gets for a lot more rows than previous one.
For some reason i am under the immpression that the current gets should
at least match the number of rows inserted (or it is only for
update/delete ??)
The 2nd result disproves that..
Please help me understand...
Also i had seen in one of the metalink replies by the oracle tech that
"""the number of 'query' divided by the number of rows comes out to about 9 gets/row, which is not unreasonable. The number of 'current' divided by the number of rows is quite a bit higher at 33 gets/row, but may not be unreasonable,""""
What is a resonable/unreasonale number for query get/row and current get/row
-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 16:20:22 CST