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Oracle-L: by subject
- 10g release 2
- 10g shutdown (WAS Oracle experts are disgusted...)
- buffer cache > 2GB and sga_max_size > 4GB possible problems?
- Check Contraint Question
- Coordinating connecting at OpenWorld - contact list done
- cpu average load
- Definition
- Extracting PROFILE DDL
- fetch across commit
- HP, clustering and Veritas
- Managing Distributed Transactions
- ODBC and database security
- Oracle experts are disgusted with SQL Server User Group
- OT: USB/Firewire external hard drives for 10g RAC testing - any recommendations?
- Perl Connect error after Oracle Upgrade
- RMAN register database pblm.
- SQL question
- Swapping partitions
- Truncate another users table
- USB/Firewire external hard drives for 10g RAC testing - any recommendations?
- Last message date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 22:37:00 CST
- Archived on: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 21:39:00 CST