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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Missing time in 10046 trace file
This is why I so hate the term "wait"...
The ela value of a 'latch free' timed event is the duration of a =
OS call. You're referring to the quantity D in the following relation:
D =3D e[dbcall] - (c[dbcall] + sum(ela[dbcall]))
The large D value that you describe is probably the result of process preemption (as John has suggested).
An Oracle kernel process consumes a lot of CPU before it ever gets to =
point at which it will execute the 'latch free' timed event. If a lot of
kernel processes are fighting for the same small set of latches, then =
will be a lot of CPU capacity wasted, and in severe cases you'll see =
lots of
time spent preempted. ...Which is, I believe, exactly what you're =
Read "Why you should focus on LIOs instead of PIOs" at =
the gory details.
Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
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-----Original Message-----
From: =
On Behalf Of John Kanagaraj
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:54 PM
To: ''; Oracle-L
Subject: RE: Missing time in 10046 trace file
>tim value of the FETCH 2276365740 from the time value of the EXEC
>2276356674 I get approx 90 seconds (9066 centi-secs) which is nowhere
>close to adding all the ela's of the waits (48 centi-secs). Am I
>looking at what they call unmeasured/unaccounted-for time?
Note that latches can 'sleep' and while they are sleeping, this time =
counted under 'waiting'. This sleep is successivley for longer =
periods... I
think Steve Adams discussed this very clearly in his book. If you look =
Statspack snapshots between these periods, you might see more than usual
values under the SLEEP[n] columns. And yes, when CPU thrashing occurs, =
unaccounted time increases as the context switching times are not =
within Oracle....
John Kanagaraj <><
DB Soft Inc
Phone: 408-970-7002 (W)
Listen to great, commercial-free christian music 24x7x365 at
-- on Fri Oct 01 2004 - 11:43:21 CDT
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