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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Can we trust these numbers ?
I think there is an upper bound for the total wait time namely the max
number of process times total observed time (elapsed time).
Considering that the that statspack report was from a 60 minutes window=
there were 1776 sessions, if all sessions
were all the time waiting it would give 60*1776 =3D 106560 minutes -> 1=
hours -> 74 hours. So for that report
infinite would be 74 hours. So the numbers are really wrong. What makes=
surprised is that they are not always that way.
Sometimes they have reasonable values.
I don't know if Oracle messes up stats when running on multiprocessor
boxes. The server from where this stats come from is a SunFire 15K
with 24 CPU.
I have read chap. 1 of your book and told my boss about the hotsos trai=
but am still waiting for a chance on the budget.
Robson Gomes
Medidata Inform=E1tica S.A
(21) 2546 3734
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= =20 "Cary Millsap" = =20 <cary.millsap_at_hotso To: <oracle-l_at_freelis=> =20> cc: = =20 Sent by: Subject: RE: Can we t= rust these numbers ? =20 oracle-l-bounce_at_fre = =20 = =20 = =20 = =20 25/08/04 14:30 = =20 Please respond to = =20 oracle-l = =20 = =20 = =20
Any system has an infinite capacity for waiting, even in a finite perio=
d of
time. There's some more detail on the issue on pp215-216 of the Optimiz=
Oracle Performance book.
But I think in your case, I may get to save this as one more example of=
"statspack messes up." I can't tell from the line wrapping. Is it sayin=
that the total time waited for the 'latch free' timed event is
56,629,674,849 centiseconds? If so, then:
56,629,674,849 cs =3D 566,296,748.49 seconds =3D 157,304.65 hours =3D 6,554.36 days =3D 17.94 years
Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
* Nullius in verba *
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- Performance Diagnosis 101: 9/14 San Francisco, 10/5 Charlotte, 10/26
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- Visit for schedule details...
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.o=
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:54 AM
Subject: Can we trust these numbers ?
I am intrigued that sometimes I get statspack reports that show very bi=
figures on the event wait
Look the total wait time of the latch free: 56,629,674,849 cs.
It gives one average time of 1,029,784 ms or 1030 seconds (17 hours).
What can be wrong ?
Thanks for any hint
STATSPACK report for
DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release OPS Host
------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- --------=
Snap Id Snap Time Sessions ------- ------------------ -------- Begin Snap: 27474 23-Aug-04 09:58:58 1,776 End Snap: 27475 23-Aug-04 10:59:10 1,776 Elapsed: 60.20 (mins)
Cache Sizes
db_block_buffers: 2097152 log_buffer: 1572864=
db_block_size: 8192 shared_pool_size: 1825361100=
Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction --------------- --------------- Redo size: 316,789.22 3,949.25 Logical reads: 214,536.95 2,674.52 Block changes: 1,972.78 24.59 Physical reads: 4,325.08 53.92 Physical writes: 356.58 4.45 User calls: 2,351.87 29.32 Parses: 630.83 7.86 Hard parses: 10.49 0.13 Sorts: 719.67 8.97 Logons: 0.95 0.01 Executes: 1,665.18 20.76 Transactions: 80.22 % Blocks changed per Read: 0.92 Recursive Call %: 32.=
Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
Buffer Nowait %: 99.99 Redo NoWait %: 100.=
Buffer Hit %: 97.98 In-memory Sort %: 99.=
Library Hit %: 99.46 Soft Parse %: 98.=
Execute to Parse %: 62.12 Latch Hit %: 99.=
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 0.00 % Non-Parse CPU: 99.=
Shared Pool Statistics Begin End ------ ------ Memory Usage %: 86.70 84.48 % SQL with executions>1: 76.18 74.04 % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 68.50 70.51 Top 5 Wait Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wait % Total Event Waits Time (cs)Wt Time
-------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------=
--- ---------- latch free 549,918 56,629,674,=Received on Wed Aug 25 2004 - 14:09:04 CDT
849 67.75 log file sync 314,641 11,716,563,=
756 14.02 db file sequential read 7,527,206 11,331,652,=
411 13.56 rdbms ipc reply 2,192 1,952,998,=
207 2.34 db file scattered read 303,506 1,952,974,=
696 2.34 Robson Gomes Medidata Inform=3DE1tica S.A (21) 2546 3734 P Antes de imprimir pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com o M=
EIO AMBIENTE! O conte=3DFAdo desta mensagem (e o de seus eventuais anexos) =3DE9 de e= xclu=3D sivo interesse do destinat=3DE1rio acima indicado e pode conter informa=3DE7=
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