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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Re: Is it just me (WHO columns)
"WHO" columns are actually one of the oldest and most useful features of the
Oracle e-Business suite. Since all applications everywhere should be as
compatible as possible with the e-Business suite to ease the integration
effort when the pending or future purchase is complete, you might want to
consider using the e-Business suite standard columns if you have legal
access to the documents that describe them or can recall them from a former
life. I'm not sure whether my knowledge of them is still subject to
non-disclosure, so I won't quote the standards (which date from at least
1987) here.
Way cool point, Nuno, that having WHO columns makes logminer style auditing complete and (I think), bulletproof. At least if you're logging and archiving, which you could require as part of the audit requirements.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Is it just me
> Lisa Spory <> wrote:
> Logminer won't help me track the WHO, especially since in this case the
> who is obscured through connection pooling and only available to the
> database via an explicitly set application context.
It could. Add a column to every table to keep the WHO. LAST_CHG_BY
is a good name. Then just update it for everyone, via trigger. It should
now end
up in the redo log. Of course you still would need to capture that from the
app server. App context would be the easiest, I guess. Avoid loosing
by never deleting: use a flag column to say if the row is active or not.
> If I list partition by table_name, then how is the contention on my
> single table any different than having a separate table per table_name?
> (ignoring momentarily my desire to elegantly "slide" data off, which
> could be handled less elegantly to avoid contention issues instead).
Not very different. The idea with the partitioning would be precisely to give you the low contention of the multiple log tables. Not exactly linear, but near enough.
> I need to poke around and gather numbers related to the number of
> concurrent transactions I expect to support as well, since again, I am
> not auditing the whole database, mostly setup/parameter data.
Ah, that's MUCH better. Makes sense too.
Nuno Souto
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