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Oracle-L: by subject
- [Q] cheap way to make DB2 (OS/390) real time update ORACLE tables?
- A bit of fun
- Books featured in Database Journal
- Database connection from remote server
- Delayed block cleanout and changing automatic undo tablespace
- Determine the session of a user who calls a proc accross a DBLink?
- how to write this sql?
- import with IGNORE=Y option to ignore errors
- Maximum number of partitions?
- No stats, why the heck is CBO running???
- OPS/RAC redolog questions
- Oracle + Unix question , Error validation for SQL statements in ""coprocess"" ?.
- Oracle + Unix question , Error validation for SQL statements in co process ?.
- oracle 10g --linux install issues
- Oracle Baselines and Java Internals
- Oracle Security Tool
- problem with dbms_stats 9204 on hp-ux 11i ---fyi
- re "About having a large SGA for a DataWarehouse"
- reg APPS standard WHO column ?
- RMAN duplicate hangs
- Rollback Segment Philosophy
- Script Question from Cary's Book
- Slick tricks for extent size reduction in LMTS via LMTS=>DM=>LMTS ?
- Strange behaviour "/ as sysdba"
- test
- Using create index nologging?
- Why all the spaces in my email are replaced by =20?
- Last message date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 23:53:08 CDT
- Archived on: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 21:19:02 CDT