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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: dedicated server process memory usage ....
Thanks Frank ,Dennis & Juan !
Why does OS allocate about 536 MB to the server process (shared though!) ? Is it something we can tune ?
Sree Pampati
-----Original Message----- From: Mark W. Farnham [] Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:18 AM To: Subject: RE: dedicated server process memory usage .... On systems such as yours where pmap -x exists and workscorrectly, you can see beautifully on the line address 20000000 that nearly all of the memory for this process is shared. That's your Oracle shared memory area which you should also be able to view view ipcs. So you see at the bottom how little private memory you are really using, even though RSS reports it all per process. You only have an actual problem on systems (mostly ancient, I think) that keep counting reads of shared memory against each process and drive false paging. So I don't think you have an operational problem, just a concern about how the memory adds up. Correct me if I'm wrong.
-----Original Message----- From:"sqlplus userid/pwd", that's all!
[]On Behalf Of Pampati, Sree
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:57 AM To: Subject: RE: dedicated server process memory usage .... Thanks Mark for your reply! I meant : I just opened sqlplus connection using
You said : ..." but please be sure to avoid taking the .6G per server process allocation seriously" . I am not sure how to tune/avoid this ?
I sincerely appreciate your thoughts on this .
pmap -x <pid> is given below: read/write/exec/shared {ism shmid=0X201 ] figures seemto be very big ?!!!!!!
8828: oracleqalc4
Address Kbytes Resident Shared Private Permissions Mapped File
00010000 48272 25952 25952 - read/exec oracle
02F42000 472 472 368 104 read/write/exec oracle
02FB8000 432 320 - 320 read/write/exec
[ heap ]
20000000 536576 536576 536576 - read/write/exec/shared [ ism shmid=0x201 ]
FEBC0000 16 16 16 - read/exec
FEBD0000 88 80 80 - read/exec
FEBF4000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FEC00000 4400 2880 2880 - read/exec
FF05A000 192 192 32 160 read/write/exec
FF08A000 8 - - - read/write/exec
FF0A0000 16 16 16 - read/exec
FF0B4000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF0C0000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF0D2000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF0E0000 32 32 32 - read/exec
FF0F8000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF100000 688 688 688 - read/exec
FF1BC000 32 32 - 32 read/write/exec
FF1D0000 24 24 24 - read/exec
FF1E6000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF1F0000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
[ anon ]
FF200000 568 568 568 - read/exec
FF29E000 40 40 - 40 read/write/exec
FF2A8000 24 16 - 16 read/write/exec
FF2C0000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF2D2000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF2E0000 8 8 8 - read/write/exec/shared [ anon ]
FF2F0000 24 24 24 - read/exec
FF306000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF310000 40 40 40 - read/exec
FF32A000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF330000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF340000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF350000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF360000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF370000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
[ anon ]
FF380000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF390000 8 8 - 8 read/write/exec
FF3A0000 8 8 8 - read/exec
FF3B0000 160 160 160 - read/exec
FF3E6000 16 16 - 16 read/write/exec
FFBE6000 40 40 - 40 read/write
[ stack ]
febiccp_at_eceisdblc4 - qalc4
Thanks, Sree Pampati 617-392-1594 -----Original Message----- From: Mark W. Farnham [] Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 10:34 AM To: Subject: RE: dedicated server process memoryusage ....
Unfortunately it is non-trivial to figure out how much of the shared memory area of the running Oracle instance is reported as part of each server connection, and this varies by OS, release of OS, and tool used to report "sz" and "RSS."
I'm not sure what you meant about "no SQL fired" since I'm not aware of how to open a sqlplus connection without the query of username/password firing, along with whatever level of auditing you may have.
Possibly someone else can refer you to a good resource for evaluating MTS, but please be sure to avoid taking the .6G per server process allocation seriously. I doubt Solaris 8 has this problem, but some old Unix varieties had page/swap limits that did not take into account shared memory, so executing a table scan would drive "false paging" unless you configured "RSSMAX" to the ceiling of your shared memory plus the program space. By "false paging" I mean copying shared memory your process has mapped to page or swap (from whence it will never be recalled, since the shared memory is still actually current.) Setting the RSSMAX high would in turn then allow applications to run rampant on your memory, so this tipped the balance of whether to allow a certain application on your database server far in favor of saying no if an application had big libraries.
Good luck!
-----Original Message----- From: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.orgusage ....
[]On Behalf Of Pampati, Sree
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 9:42 AM To: Subject: dedicated server process memory
How is memory allocated to a dedicated server process ? I just opened a sqlplus connection ( no SQL fired!), did ps -elf | grep <pid> on the server pid, which showed sz: 592M, RSS: 558. There are about 800 server processes running at that time ( the box has 10G physical mem, of which about 2GB was free at that time. Solaris 8 . Oracle version : ).
*_area_size parameters in init.ora are : bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576 (1MB)
create_bitmap_area_size= 8388608 (8MB)
hash_area_size = 4194304 (4MB)
sort_area_size = 2097152 (2MB) Oracle 10gAS and 9iAS too are running onthe box in addition to the oracle instance.
Is this a good candidate for MTS ? Do I get substantial benefit using pga_target_aggregate features of 9i ?
I would very sincerely appreciate your valuable feed back ( any pointers to docs/info are highly appreciated).
Thanks, Sree Pampati -----Original Message----- From: Darrell Landrumquestions like you mention about this new hardware handling the workload.
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 12:58 AM To: Subject: Re: Hardware Question Hey Jay, I hate when management comes to me with
But, I have a response now that I love because it can be confusing to them.
I simply ask, "Why?". Why are they looking at new hardware?Does the current hardware not handle the workload? Is there a forthcoming app server/database upgrade that will require more resources? Are they scaling out their current utilization, perhaps to more users? Are they adding more databases? I know this may not seem like the best attitude and trust me, I love newer, faster hardware more than most, but really the justification for new hardware should come before the shopping for hardware. In my role as a DBA, I should be the one (or, of course, the sys admins) that recognizes the need for hardware upgrades and hopefully before management starts to feel the need. If I can't quantify the need for new servers or additional hardware (or software for that matter), I actually speak against it. This way, when I tell them we need something, they listen!
Just one guy's 2 cents. However, you mention a bottleneck on theSAN controllers. That is a big red flag. There's always a chance (and some would argue a very good chance) that faster processors and more memory will make this SAN controller bottleneck worse or at least more noticeable. Hopefully, additional channels to the SAN are being considered with this new box as well.
Good luck!
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