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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
In addition, if you have mks toolkit you can even setup cron like jobs which
ultimately uses taks scheduler. Besides mks tool kit task scheluer give you
better option and control. Works just like cron.
From: "Davey, Alan" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 08:02:38 -0700
Have either of you tried the Scheduled Tasks program? On W2K it is available under the Control Panel. I've used it in the past and unlike the 'at' command it works reliably and is easy to configure.
-----Original Message-----
From: Freeman Robert - IL []
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 9:49 AM
To: 'Jared Still '; 'Oracle-L Freelists '
Subject: RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
Comments inline ...
-----Original Message-----
>> What I dislike about working with Oracle on Windows:
>> * No decent scheduler. Yes there is 'at'. Like I said...
Good point, though this should be less of an issue with the new Oracle
Database 10g Scheduler, which is supposed to be able to kick off external
programs (including batch programs). I have not played with this specific
bit of functionality much, but what I have played with worked.
>> * Installing Perl on win32 with all needed modules has become a
>> monumental pain in the rear.
Hmmmmmm..... Another reason that Perl just isn't one of my fav. scripting
>> * Why can't MS provide a semi-decent code editor.
>> Yeah, notepad. Right.
and vi or ed is any better??? Granted, once you learn vi, it's pretty cool,
but in the begining? UGH! My vote for best windows editor is textpad....
hands down the best editor I've ever used.
Anyone remember an editor called EC? Do they still make it?
>> * Command line utilities. You think unix/linux is arcane?
Actually, you can do a lot at the command line in NT.... Of course, it's not
as robust as UNIX (have yet to find, for example, a fold command). Still, if
you are some C or basic coding experience or you are adept at the web, it's
not too bad.
>> * The fact that an incredibly robust PIPE implementation is built in,
>> but there is no access from the command line. And that Oracle is built
>> with the MS stdlib ( think that's the sitation ) so even
>> when you get 3rd party tools that work with PIPE's, they won't work
>> with Oracle.
Ok, I agree, this has been an issue with me as well.
>> * The fact that there are still drive letters.
Ahhhh, so what? :-) Drive letters, mount points, who cares?
>> * That MS has *finally* got around to offering unix like utilities, but
>> wants $100 for them, on top of the money you've already paid for the
>> OS.
I've seen NT related UNIX utilities around for a while (don't recall if they
were MS though).
>> * That it took until Win23k for MS to design the system to allow
>> different versions of apps to have different versions of DLL's.
>> Lesse, we've been doing this on unix for 30 years or so?
Hey, we all have growing pains! :-)
>> * The stupid Oracle home selector that is strictly a GUI.
I have yet to use the Oracle home selector. Of course, I'm an old Oracle
command line guy.... OEM gives me a rash.
>> * That whenever a change in environment is made that needs to be picked
>> up by an existing or new service, you must reboot because there is no
>> other way to reset the environment seen by services.exe.
Can't you just stop and restart the service? How often does one need to
change the environment in production anyway (hopefully not that often once
it's stable!)
>> Mind you now, Oracle runs just fine on win32. It's maintaining it and
>> working with the environment that is so annoying, and made difficult
>> where it shouldn't be.
For me, the scheduler has been the biggest issue of all of these. Frankly,
the others don't cause me much of an issue. Each platform has it's good and
bad side. Which would I prefer, Oracle on UNIX... but I just don't think
Windows is that bad.
On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 12:26, Freeman Robert - IL wrote:
> My 2 cents...
> Most of the complaints I see about Oracle on Win here are either:
> 1. By people doing it for the first time, or who rarely do it.
> 2. By people who are doing Oracle for the first time, or rarely do it.
> I actually like Oracle on Win, and I agree with Tom, I've had few
> with it.
> I agree that installing service packs is maddening, but don't most
Unix OS
> upgrades of any great import seem to require a reboot?
> Robert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Koivu, Lisa
> To:
> Sent: 2/13/2004 12:53 PM
> Subject: RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
> Hi Tom,=20
> Are you kidding? You never have to install service packs and
> We run windows 2003 and our "vice president" in IT decided that as a
> corporate standard we should turn on auto-update and let the boxes
> reboot themselves. Excuse me??=20
> The more I work on Windows, the more I do not like it. However, I'm
> the same boat as you. You make do with what you are given when you
> not personally paying the bill.
> Lisa Koivu
> Senior Monkey
> Orlando, FL, USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mercadante, Thomas F
> []=20
> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:58 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
> Unfortunately, we have to put up with unrealistic comments like these.
> let
> me repeat it again for those who forget:
> Some of us have no choice in the operating system that we work with.
> And
> some of us are running systems under a Windows environment and are
> perfectly
> happy with how things run, and *never ever* have the "problems" that
> reported here. =20
> I have windows databases that have been running for 3 years now.
> *Never*
> does the machine crash. And *never* do we reboot "just because we
> should".
> If you experience bad things, then I suggest you take it up with your
> system
> admin. More than likely, somebody was allowed to treat a database
> server
> like a personal desktop.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Tom Mercadante
> Oracle Certified Professional
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jamadagni, Rajendra []
> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Oracle 10g for Windows
> Remind me again .. is this oracle-l forum or slashdot ??
> <g>
> Raj
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