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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: shot in the dark applications performance problem....
I didn't see my response go through so I'll post it again....
Database version is 9203.
..i agree...there are too many pieces...and unfortunately, we've caught the company misleading us several times.
...looking into whether or not is mts................they aren't letting usinto the system!!!.....they claim no.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Kanagaraj []
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:11 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: shot in the dark applications performance problem....
This sounds *very* much like a locking (enqueue) issue. Was the application changed in any way (trigger, packaged code, etc.) to use a table row for generating sequence numbers? I have also seen such problems when the key_value is generated as a select max(key_value) from table and everything queues up behind this....
Look at the output of the following query:
Select event, count(*) from v$session_wait Group by event
If you see 'enqueue' in this output with a count of 1 (or more), then this theory is correct. You can then look at V$LOCK, V$SESSION, V$SQL and DBA_OBJECTS to find out further information.... (and the list can help you here with this script).
John Kanagaraj <><
DB Soft Inc
Phone: 408-970-7002 (W)
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>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Chris Stephens
>Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 7:34 AM
>Subject: shot in the dark applications performance problem....
>Let me preface all of this by stating that I realize there is
>very little
>chance of a resolution to this from the explanation I'm about
>to give...but
>it thought I'd try and describe the problem here and see if it
>sparks any
>The company I work for has outsourced an applications implementation.
>Everything has been running fine. Currently we run 2 call
>center apps out
>of the thing. This past weekend the company changed our
>architecture from a
>1-tier system to a 2-tier system. (not sure if that's standard apps
>architectures or not) When the reps began taking calls after
>that change,
>performance slowed to a halt. They have now been taking phone calls on
>paper for 5 days now. The company has reverted back to the 1-tier
>architecture but the performance problem still exists. The
>people testing
>the system describe the problem as follows:
> person running the call flows=>performance is fine.
>...several persons running the call flows=>EXACTLY 1 minute
>delays between
>...several more persons running the call flows=>EXACTLY 2 minute delays
>between screens.
>...several more persons running the call flows=>EXACTLY 3 minute delays
>between screens. (weird)
>apparently there is a script that can be run that just goes through the
>screens without running ANY of the database code and the wait
>behavior is
>the same. ????
>I checked the machines involved from top and they are barely
>being worked.
>I checked the waits in the database and the largest event time is from
>'sqlnet message from client'.
>The company restored the system to a previous incarnation and
>it worked just
>Something is very very wrong.
>....and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
>Sorry for the vagueness.
>...questions welcomed.
>Thanks for any info!!!!
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