Just the one problem query, I see that in addition to the Goddess we clearl=
y need a pantheon.=20
Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
Audit Commission
+44 117 975 7805=20
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jkstill_at_cybcon.com=20
> Sent: 10 February 2004 15:38
> To: jkstill_at_cybcon.com; oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> Subject: RE: new sql tuning book - Author's response
> Thanks for chiming in here Dan.
> Now I'm really looking forward to this book.
> As it so happens, I have this one really nasty
> query that just takes way too long...
> Jared
> On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 23:02, Dan Tow wrote:
> > Hi, this is Dan Tow, the author of SQL Tuning, wading in=20
> with a few remarks:
> >=20
> > One of the list members (no, not my editor) let me know of=20
> this thread, so I
> > thought I might clear up a few things with a response.=20
> There's been some=20
> > speculation regarding the origin of the method I describe=20
> in the book. I
> came=20
> > up with it on my own about ten years ago, without a=20
> literature search, but=20
> > later learned that there was some fairly similar stuff out=20
> there in the=20
> > academic literature that long predated my entry into the=20
> field, so I make no
> > particular claim to the method being hugely original.=20
> However, I believe
> that=20
> > the book is at least original as a *non-academic*,=20
> readable, detailed=20
> > description of the approach.
> ...
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