I've done a LOT of resizing of LMT tablespaces ( and have never
gotten that error..
> Has anyone encountered the ORA-600[kcbnew_3] error after resizing and
> LMT in
> Oracle9i?
> A vendor install script created tablespaces really large, and I
> started to
> resize them smaller, but checked Metalink. There is a bug 2747978
> that says
> in versions below you can encounter an ORA-600 error after
> resizing.
> Oracle says they were able to reproduce it. The bug report says this
> produces a severe loss of service. As a workaround it says to bounce
> the
> database after resizing.
> I'm just trying to figure out how likely this error is to occur, so I
> though
> I'd ask if anyone has encountered this error. And if it occurred, how
> severe
> were the consequences? I can't apply the patch because the
> vendor
> says they don't support that yet. Thanks.
> Dennis Williams
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> dwilliams_at_lifetouch.com
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Received on Tue Jan 06 2004 - 10:49:45 CST