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Oracle-L: by subject
- "Does anything run on RAC?" paper
- (no subject)
- AW: End of communication channel
- AW: Geometric mean
- AW: LF and CR (chr(10)||chr(13)) problem
- AW: Looking for help - sql*loader and truncate
- bug info, not displayed!!
- Clean temporary tablespace
- Create Rule
- data modelling question - job vs. job history table
- Database Compare Script
- DB Code compilation and library cache lock issue
- Deleting partitioned data
- do many people use resource consumer groups?
- End of communication channel
- Geometric mean
- granting SELECT privilege on SYS.X$ TABLES
- Help needed -- Replication and DBMS_JOB
- How do I corrupt a raw datafile?
- LF and CR (chr(10)||chr(13)) problem
- LF and CR (chr(10)||chr(13)) problem -- problem solved
- Lists on SQL?
- Migration utility to convert 32 bit DB to 64 bit?
- modeling year and month for summary data
- Reading files on the server
- really annoying utl_file problem
- Silly SQL Question
- sort_area_retained_size sizing?
- SQL Query
- Stop using SYS, SYSTEM?
- Timed_statistics : Why so many getrusage syscall via truss/strace output?
- truncate privilege
- Last message date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 22:29:25 CST
- Archived on: Sat Jan 06 2007 - 16:50:02 CST