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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Performance
Have you set event 10046, lev 8 for the session? If not, try setting
it and then use 9.2 tkprof to see what is the instance waiting for
as well to analyze the execution plans and see how they differ.
Also, during the execution, you can watch v$session_wait and see what the
session is waiting for. If the event is something like 'db file scattered
read', then it is the execution plan that is causing trouble.
Try the "DBA 101" red book, written by Gaja Viyadanthaya (hopefully, I didn't misspell his name), Marlene and comp. It's a book which has answers precisely to questions like yours.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
Phone:(203) 459-6855
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 5:20 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hi list,
SCENARIO LAB DB = Oracle on Suse Linux 7.2 PRODUCTION DB = Oracle on HP-UX B.11.00
I have this strange case, I have this query that generate a text file and in the PRODUCTION environment ran for about 30 minutes. When running the same query in LAB ran in about 2 minutes. The 2 instances have the same parameters setted and the same amount of data, the Lab DB is updated every night with the production data throught IMP/EXP procedure.
Trying to solve the problem, today I ran statistics in LAB and the query lasted more than in PRODUCTION and before was about 2 minutes.
Here is the code of the CODE in the form and the function.
PROCEDURE genera_archivo IS
vcOutFile varchar2(30) := 'c:\pruebas\archivo.txt';
hOutFile text_io.file_type; cursor cuentas is select b.MATHOPERATOR, b.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL, a.PRINTORDER, b.sequence from tequivaccount a, tequivaccountdetail b where a.REPORTCODE = b.REPORTCODE and a.CODE = b.CODE and a.reportcode = 'BDI01' order by a.PRINTORDER, b.sequence ;
vSaldo number;
vCuenta varchar2(14);
set_application_property(CURSOR_STYLE,'BUSY'); hOutFile := text_io.fopen(:nombre_plano,'w'); text_io.put_line(hOutFile,to_char(:fecha_fin,'ddmmyyyy')||'cifrado'); for i in cuentas loop IF C.MATHOPERATOR = '+' THEN VSALDO := bdi_saldo_conta_fecha(I.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL,:fecha_Fin,:suc_ini,:suc_fin) ELSE VSALDO :=
END IF; if nvl(vSaldo,0) <> 0 then text_io.put_line(hOutFile,rpad(i.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL,14,' ')||' 000'||to_char(round(vsaldo,2),'999999999999999.99'));
end if;
end loop;
-------------* This the function *------------------
PROMPT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hd_bdi.bdi_saldo_conta_fecha
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hd_bdi.bdi_saldo_conta_fecha (pCuenta in char,pFecha in date,
pSucIni in number,pSucFin in number)
vSaldo number; vDebito number; vCredito number; vSaldoAnt number; vFechaIni date ; vMoneda number; vLinea varchar2(150); vdate1 date; vdate2 date; vdate3 date; vdate4 date;
--delete log_batch;
for i in pSucIni .. pSucFin loop
vDebito := 0;
vCredito := 0;
vSaldoAnt := 0;
SELECT MAX(A.ACM_FECACUM), Nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDBANT,0) - nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCRANT,0) + nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDB,0) - nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCR,0) into vFechaIni, vSaldoAnt from tcon_acum A where A.acm_codigo = pCuenta AND A.acm_sucursal = i AND TRUNC(A.ACM_FECACUM) IN (select nvl(max(TRUNC(ACM_FECACUM)), '2001/01/01') FROM TCON_ACUM T WHERE T.Acm_codigo = A.acm_codigo AND T.ACM_Sucursal = A.ACM_SUcursal AND T.ACM_Oficina = A.ACM_Oficina AND T.ACM_Moneda = A.ACM_MOneda) GROUP BY Nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDBANT,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCRANT,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDB,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCR,0); exception when no_data_found then vSaldoAnt := 0; when others then dbms_output.put_line((pCuenta));end;
vFechaIni := vFechaIni + 1;
SUM (DECODE(T.TSA_TIPO, 'C', NVL(T.TSA_VALOR,0))) into vDebito, vCredito FROM TCON_TRANSA T, TCON_DESTRAN D WHERE T.TSA_SUCURSAL = I AND T.TSA_CUENTA = pCuenta AND D.DST_NUMTRAN = T.TSA_NUMTRAN AND D.DST_SUCURSAL = T.TSA_SUCURSAL AND D.DST_FECHA BETWEEN vFechaIni and pFecha AND D.DST_CUADRA = 'S' ; exception when no_data_found then vDebito := 0; vCredito := 0; when others then null;
vSaldo :=nvl (vSaldo,0) + (nvl(vSaldoAnt,0) + nvl(vDebito,0) -
nvl(vCredito,0)) ;
end loop;
return vSaldo ;
Ramon E. Estevez
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Ramon E. Estevez INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesReceived on Fri Jun 27 2003 - 16:55:11 CDT
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