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Hi list,
SCENARIO LAB DB = Oracle on Suse Linux 7.2 PRODUCTION DB = Oracle on HP-UX B.11.00
I have this strange case, I have this query that generate a text file and in the PRODUCTION environment ran for about 30 minutes. When running the same query in LAB ran in about 2 minutes. The 2 instances have the same parameters setted and the same amount of data, the Lab DB is updated every night with the production data throught IMP/EXP procedure.
Trying to solve the problem, today I ran statistics in LAB and the query lasted more than in PRODUCTION and before was about 2 minutes.
Here is the code of the CODE in the form and the function.
PROCEDURE genera_archivo IS
vcOutFile varchar2(30) := 'c:\pruebas\archivo.txt';
hOutFile text_io.file_type; cursor cuentas is select b.MATHOPERATOR, b.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL, a.PRINTORDER, b.sequence from tequivaccount a, tequivaccountdetail b where a.REPORTCODE = b.REPORTCODE and a.CODE = b.CODE and a.reportcode = 'BDI01' order by a.PRINTORDER, b.sequence ;
vSaldo number;
vCuenta varchar2(14);
set_application_property(CURSOR_STYLE,'BUSY'); hOutFile := text_io.fopen(:nombre_plano,'w'); text_io.put_line(hOutFile,to_char(:fecha_fin,'ddmmyyyy')||'cifrado'); for i in cuentas loop IF C.MATHOPERATOR = '+' THEN VSALDO := bdi_saldo_conta_fecha(I.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL,:fecha_Fin,:suc_ini,:suc_fin) ELSE VSALDO :=
END IF; if nvl(vSaldo,0) <> 0 then text_io.put_line(hOutFile,rpad(i.MAPACCOUNTLOCAL,14,' ')||' 000'||to_char(round(vsaldo,2),'999999999999999.99'));
end if;
end loop;
-------------* This the function *------------------
PROMPT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hd_bdi.bdi_saldo_conta_fecha
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hd_bdi.bdi_saldo_conta_fecha (pCuenta in char,pFecha in date,
pSucIni in number,pSucFin in number)
vSaldo number; vDebito number; vCredito number; vSaldoAnt number; vFechaIni date ; vMoneda number; vLinea varchar2(150); vdate1 date; vdate2 date; vdate3 date; vdate4 date;
--delete log_batch;
for i in pSucIni .. pSucFin loop
vDebito := 0;
vCredito := 0;
vSaldoAnt := 0;
SELECT MAX(A.ACM_FECACUM), Nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDBANT,0) - nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCRANT,0) + nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDB,0) - nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCR,0) into vFechaIni, vSaldoAnt from tcon_acum A where A.acm_codigo = pCuenta AND A.acm_sucursal = i AND TRUNC(A.ACM_FECACUM) IN (select nvl(max(TRUNC(ACM_FECACUM)), '2001/01/01') FROM TCON_ACUM T WHERE T.Acm_codigo = A.acm_codigo AND T.ACM_Sucursal = A.ACM_SUcursal AND T.ACM_Oficina = A.ACM_Oficina AND T.ACM_Moneda = A.ACM_MOneda) GROUP BY Nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDBANT,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCRANT,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMDB,0), nvl(A.ACM_ACUMCR,0); exception when no_data_found then vSaldoAnt := 0; when others then dbms_output.put_line((pCuenta));end;
vFechaIni := vFechaIni + 1;
SUM (DECODE(T.TSA_TIPO, 'C', NVL(T.TSA_VALOR,0))) into vDebito, vCredito FROM TCON_TRANSA T, TCON_DESTRAN D WHERE T.TSA_SUCURSAL = I AND T.TSA_CUENTA = pCuenta AND D.DST_NUMTRAN = T.TSA_NUMTRAN AND D.DST_SUCURSAL = T.TSA_SUCURSAL AND D.DST_FECHA BETWEEN vFechaIni and pFecha AND D.DST_CUADRA = 'S' ; exception when no_data_found then vDebito := 0; vCredito := 0; when others then null;
vSaldo :=nvl (vSaldo,0) + (nvl(vSaldoAnt,0) + nvl(vDebito,0) -
nvl(vCredito,0)) ;
end loop;
return vSaldo ;
Ramon E. Estevez
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Ramon E. Estevez
Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing). Received on Fri Jun 27 2003 - 15:43:15 CDT
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