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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> job monitoring script
Here is the info on a job monitoring script. If you have suggested improvements, please suggest.
The script is written in Korn shell -- the REAL ksh, not the public domain ksh. You might need to change the first line of the script from ksh93 to ksh. A sample crontab entry looks like:
### If you change the number of times per hour, change the CRON_INTERVAL
variable in the script.
7,37 * * * * /oracle/app/oracle/admin/scripts/job_mon/job_mon.ksh >>
/oracle/app/oracle/admin/scripts/job_mon/debug 2>&1
IMPORTANT: The script has a CRON_INTERVAL variable that is tied to how many times per hour you run the script. If you change the number of times per hour you run the script, then change the CRON_INTERVAL variable. The variable is used by the script to determine when to perform some maintenance tasks and send out a daily summary. I suppose one improvement could be to have the script read the crontab and get that info for itself ... something to put on my list of things to do "when I get around to it."
Some config files are required, the names and format of which follows.
Name: Determined by the variable WHO_TO_PAGE in the script
Function: email addresses of who to page
Name: Determined by the variable PASSWORD_FILE in the script
Function: has passwords for the databases.
Name: Determined by the variable VARFILE in the script. Function: This is general list of oracle variables used by a lot of scripts. The entry that this script looks for is a list of users to whom e-mail is sent. This is distinct from users who get paged by the script.,,
There are variables in the script that determine the directories where the script finds things and puts things. As the script is written, one key variable is SCRIPTDIR. This is gotten by the script from the command line; so take that into consideration when writing your command line. You might want to change this.
A listing of my SCRIPTDIR looks like:
-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 510 Apr 28 08:08 daily_summary -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 29023 Feb 28 03:39 debug -r-x------ 1 oracle dba 36780 Feb 21 2002 job_mon.ksh -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 53713 Apr 28 09:37 log_file -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 0 Apr 28 09:37 mail_file -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 213 Apr 28 09:37 nuisance_file -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 0 Apr 28 09:37 page_file drwxr-x--- 2 oracle dba 4096 Apr 28 09:37 soft_links drwxr-x--- 3 oracle dba 4096 Apr 28 09:55 source -rw------- 1 oracle dba 117 Mar 19 08:37 who_to_page
Note that there is a directory called soft_links. This is determined by the variable LINKDIR and is used by the script to keep track of the current status of a SID; so you only get paged when there is a CHANGE in status rather than being constantly paged for the same thing. A partial list of the directory looks like:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 2 Apr 24 15:07 BRTD2 -> OK lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 2 Apr 27 22:37 BRTP1 -> OK lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 10 Apr 27 22:37 BRTP2 -> JOB_BROKEN lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 2 Apr 12 17:37 BRTT1 -> OK lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 2 Apr 17 13:37 BRTT2 -> OK lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 2 Apr 12 19:07 DTNP -> OK lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 13 Apr 28 06:37 DTNT ->CONNECT_ERROR Since I already have a script to monitor the status of databases, this script records database problems other than broken jobs with only a generic CONNECT_ERROR listing. CONNECT_ERROR messages are e-mailed to the list as determined by the MAIL_TO line shown above. The WHO_TO_PAGE people are only for broken job messages. There is nothing to prevent you from changing this, or making both lists the same.
There are some variables that are hard-coded in the script that you will need to set.
In the SET_VARIABLES function you have:
DEBUG_GUY: This is who gets e-mailed (we hope) when something breaks, and
script can't e-mail anyone else.
PRIMARY_BOX: This is name of box on which this script is running.
SECONDARY_BOX: If you have a fail-over box configured, this is the name of
that box.
In the SET_ORACLE_VARIABLES function you have:
TNS_ADMIN: this is the Oracle TNS_ADMIN variable.
TNSFILE: name of tnsnames.ora file that contains a list of all the SIDs you
want this script to test.
ORATAB: the oratab file you want this script to use. This script will look
for the highest version ORACLE_HOME in the oratab file and set ORACLE_HOME
to that version.
If you have a fail-over box configured, keep in mind that the boxes need to have the ability to run "r" commands on the other box (i.e. a .rhosts file).
This script sends out two daily e-mails to the MAIL_TO list at a time determined by the MAIN_TIME variable in conjunction with the CRON_INTERVAL. One email is the daily summary. It looks like:
The other is a summary log of the previous day's events and look like:
That's all I can think of now. I have attached the script itself, and I have pasted the text below just in case the attachment gets filtered out. If you have improvements to suggest, please do! But keep in mind that this script is intended only to test the status of database jobs rather than be a grand, do-all, heavyweight database monitoring script.
## This thing was written by Stephen Lee.
## NOTE: On Linux, the built-in ksh is crap. ## This script MUST be run with the REAL ksh on Linux. ## On other Unix, the factory equipped ksh is OK.
##################### BEGIN SET_VARIABLES #####################SET_VARIABLES() {
## Set the following to the hostname of primary and secondary boxes ## depending on the role of that computer. This is case sensitive. ## The hostname must match what is returned by hostname command. ## Leave blank or comment out if there is no secondary. PRIMARY_BOX='box1' SECONDARY_BOX='box2' SUPPORT='NOBODY' VARFILE='/oracle/app/oracle/ORACLE_VARIABLES' SCRIPTNAME=`basename $0` MY_TAG=`echo $SCRIPTNAME | sed 's/\..*//g' | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` if [ ! -f "$VARFILE" -o ! -r "$VARFILE" ]; then SUPPORT="oracle,$DEBUG_GUY" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX VARFILE = ->${VARFILE}<- on `hostname` does not exist or is not readable. continuing with SUPPORT = oracle,$DEBUG_GUY XXX SUPPORT="oracle,$DEBUG_GUY" fi if [ "$SUPPORT" = "NOBODY" ]; then ## SUPPORT="$DEBUG_GUY" SUPPORT=`awk -F= '/^MAIL:MAIL_TO/ {print $2}' $VARFILE | sed 's/[ ]*//g'` if [ -z "$SUPPORT" ]; then SUPPORT="oracle,$DEBUG_GUY" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX No SUPPORT is defined on `hostname` Need MAIL:MAIL_TO line in ORACLE_VARIABLES Setting SUPPORT = oracle,$DEBUG_GUY XXX fi fi ## A bunch of files and directories get defined here. ## Their existence and readability will be checked later. PASSWORD_FILE='/oracle/app/oracle/.secure/.passwd' SCRIPTDIR=`echo $0 | sed 'sX'$SCRIPTNAME'$XX'` LINKDIR="${SCRIPTDIR}soft_links" CONFIG_FILE="${SCRIPTDIR}${MY_TAG}_config" MAIL_FILE="${SCRIPTDIR}mail_file" PAGE_FILE="${SCRIPTDIR}page_file" LOG_FILE="${SCRIPTDIR}log_file" NUISANCE_FILE="${SCRIPTDIR}nuisance_file" WHO_TO_PAGE="${SCRIPTDIR}who_to_page" TEMPFILE="${SCRIPTDIR}tempfile" DAILY_SUMMARY="${SCRIPTDIR}daily_summary" MYNAME=`hostname | awk -F. '{print $1}' | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` MYPID=$$ MYPPID=`ps -eo pid -o ppid -o args | sed 's/^ *//g;s/ */ /g' | awk'$1 == PID {print $2}' PID=$MYPID`
## The next three variables are used to determine when to perform maintenance
## activities that are done once per day. ## How frequently cron runs this script, in minutes. If you change the number ## of times per hour that this script is run by cron, then change this variable. CRON_INTERVAL=30 ## When to do daily maintenance. use 24 hr. format MAINT_TIME=800 TIME="`date +%H%M | sed 's/^00*//g'`" ## If TIME is empty after the sed statment, then it's because TIME was all zeros. if [ -z "$TIME" ]; then TIME='0'; fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "PASSWORD_FILE = $PASSWORD_FILE" echo "VARFILE = $VARFILE" echo "SCRIPTNAME = $SCRIPTNAME" echo "MY_TAG = $MY_TAG" echo "SCRIPTDIR = $SCRIPTDIR" echo "MYNAME = $MYNAME" echo "MYPID = $MYPID" echo "MYPPID = $MYPPID" echo "SUPPORT = $SUPPORT" echo "CONFIG_FILE = $CONFIG_FILE" echo "MAIL_FILE = $MAIL_FILE" echo "PAGE_FILE = $PAGE_FILE" echo "LOG_FILE = $LOG_FILE" echo "NUISANCE_FILE = $NUISANCE_FILE" echo "CRON_INTERVAL = $CRON_INTERVAL" echo "MAINT_TIME = $MAINT_TIME" echo "TIME = $TIME" echo "WHO_TO_PAGE = $WHO_TO_PAGE" fi rm -f "$TEMPFILE" 2> /dev/null echo "testing" > "$TEMPFILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME Cannot write to script directory: ->${SCRIPTDIR}<- Exiting... XXX return 1 fi rm -f "$TEMPFILE" 2> /dev/null if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then touch "$LOG_FILE" 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME Cannot create log_file ->${LOG_FILE}<- in directory ->${SCRIPTDIR}<- Exiting... XXX return 1 fi tail -1000 "$LOG_FILE" > "$TEMPFILE" rm -f "$LOG_FILE" mv "$TEMPFILE" "$LOG_FILE" chmod 640 "$LOG_FILE" echo "=================== `date` =====================" >>"$LOG_FILE"
if [ ! -d "${LINKDIR}" ]; then mkdir -m 750 "${LINKDIR}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" fi if [ ! -d "${LINKDIR}" ]; then echo " Failed to create LINKDIR ->${LINKDIR}<- on $MYNAME" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME Failed to create soft link directory on $MYNAME Exiting... XXX return 1 fi #### Not using CONFIG_FILE in JOB_MON script ## ## if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then ## echo " config file ->${CONFIG_FILE}<- does not exist. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" ## mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX ## $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME ## config file ->${CONFIG_FILE}<- does not exist. ## Exiting... ## XXX ## return 1 ## fi ## if [ ! -r "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then ## echo " $CONFIG_FILE is not readable. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" ## mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX ## $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME ## config file ->${CONFIG_FILE}<- is not readable. ## Exiting... ## XXX ## return 1 ## fi
if [ ! -f "$WHO_TO_PAGE" ]; then echo " $WHO_TO_PAGE does not exist. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME who to page ->${WHO_TO_PAGE}<- does not exist. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi if [ ! -r "$WHO_TO_PAGE" ]; then echo " $WHO_TO_PAGE is not readable. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME who to page ->${WHO_TO_PAGE}<- is not readable. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi PAGER_PERSON='' ## The following sed should have a space and a tab in the brackets cat "$WHO_TO_PAGE" | sed '/^[ ]*#/d' | while read LINE; do PAGER_PERSON="${PAGER_PERSON},${LINE}" done ## The following sed should have a space and tab in the brackets PAGER_PERSON=`echo "$PAGER_PERSON" | sed 's/[ ]*//g; s/^,*//g; s/,,*/,/g'` ## We will wait until we have created the NUISANCE_FILE in TEST_THE_SID ## before checking to see if PAGER_PERSON is defined or empty. if [ ! -r "$PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then echo " $PASSWORD_FILE is not readable. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME password file ->${PASSWORD_FILE}<- is not readable. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi ## Each assigned value MUST be one "word"; no white space allowed STATUS_LIST[0]='OK' STATUS_LIST[1]='CONNECT_ERROR' STATUS_LIST[2]='JOB_BROKEN' STATUS_LIST[3]='OTHER_ERROR'
##################### BEGIN SET_VARIABLES ##################### ##################### BEGIN INITIALIZE_FILES #####################INITIALIZE_FILES () { ## NOTE: The LOG_FILE is handled in SET_VARIABLES function
## If we can't create a mail file, then we probably can't write to a ## logfile, but we can try, so try 2>> LOG_FILE. if [ -f "$MAIL_FILE" ]; then chmod 640 "$MAIL_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" cat /dev/null > "$MAIL_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" else touch "$MAIL_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" chmod 640 "$MAIL_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" fi if [ ! -f "$MAIL_FILE" ]; then echo " Failed to create mail file ->${MAIL_FILE}<-" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke. Failed to create mail file ->${MAIL_FILE}<- on $MYNAME Exiting ... XXX return 1 fi if [ -f "$PAGE_FILE" ]; then chmod 640 "$PAGE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" cat /dev/null > "$PAGE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" else touch "$PAGE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" chmod 640 "$PAGE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" fi if [ ! -f "$PAGE_FILE" ]; then echo " Failed to create page file ->${PAGE_FILE}<-" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke. Failed to create page file ->${PAGE_FILE}<- on $MYNAME Exiting ... XXX return 1 fi if [ -f "$NUISANCE_FILE" ]; then chmod 640 "$NUISANCE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" else touch "$NUISANCE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" chmod 640 "$NUISANCE_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" fi if [ ! -f "$NUISANCE_FILE" ]; then echo " Failed to create nuisance file ->${NUISANCE_FILE}<-" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke. Failed to create nuisance file ->${NUISANCE_FILE}<- on $MYNAME Exiting ... XXX return 1 fi echo "=================== `date` =====================" >>"$NUISANCE_FILE" }
##################### END INITIALIZE_FILES ##################### ##################### BEGIN SET_ORACLE_VARIABLES #####################SET_ORACLE_VARIABLES () {
export TNS_ADMIN='/oracle/app/oracle/admin/scripts/network/admin' if [ ! -d "${TNS_ADMIN}" ]; then echo " ${TNS_ADMIN} does not exist. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME TNS_ADMIN ${TNS_ADMIN} does not exist. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi TNSFILE="${TNS_ADMIN}/tnsnames.ora" if [ ! -r "${TNSFILE}" ]; then echo " tnsnames.ora ${TNSFILE} is not readable. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME tnsnames.ora ${TNSFILE} is not readable. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi ORATAB='/etc/oratab' if [ ! -r "$ORATAB" ]; then echo " $ORATAB is not readable. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME oratab ->${ORATAB}<- is not readable. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi ## Make ORACLE_HOME the latest revision of Oracle listed in the oratab. ## We are assuming that paths in oratab are of the form /dir1/dir2/.../product/#.#.#... export ORACLE_HOME=`awk -F: 'NF==3 && $2 ~ /product\/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ {print $2}' $ORATAB | sort -r | sed -n 1p` if [ ! -d "${ORACLE_HOME}" ]; then echo " ORACLE_HOME ->${ORACLE_HOME}<- does not exist. Exiting" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME broke on $MYNAME ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_HOME} for latest revision listed in oratab ->${ORATAB}<- does not exist. Exiting... XXX return 1 fi export
export SHLIB_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:${SHLIB_PATH:-/obackup/lib}
##################### END SET_ORACLE_VARIABLES ##################### ##################### BEGIN CHECK_IF_RUNNING #####################CHECK_IF_RUNNING () { ## The creation of the lock file is not necessary to check if another copy of the script
## is running. But most of the time another copy will NOT be running, so I think this
## will save the overhead of running ps and parsing its output. If the lock file is not
## successfully created, then we run ps and parse its output to confirm if another copy
## of the script is running. ## It also serves as an easy manual check, using ls -l, that thescript is running.
ln -s WE_BE_RUNNING "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { ps -eo pid -o args | sed 's/^ *//g;s/ */ /g' | awk ' $1 == PID {next} $1 == PPID {next} $2 == "vi" {next} $0 ~ "awk" {next} $0 ~ XXX {print "ALREADY RUNNING"} ' PID=$MYPID PPID=$MYPPID XXX=$SCRIPTNAME } | while read LINE; do if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " CHECK_IF_RUNNING read line: $LINE" fi if [ "$LINE" = "ALREADY RUNNING" ]; then echo "`date '+%D %H:%M'`: Exiting. Already running." >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "`date '+%D %H:%M'`: Exiting. Already running." return 1 fi done fi
##################### END CHECK_IF_RUNNING ##################### ##################### BEGIN CHECK_OTHER_BOX #######################CHECK_OTHER_BOX () {
## If no secondary box is defined, then there is nothing to do. if [ -z "$SECONDARY_BOX" ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: NO secondary box is defined. Skipping CHECK_OTHER_BOX." fi return 0 else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: SECONDARY_BOX is defined = $SECONDARY_BOX" fi fi ## From here on down, we may assume that SECONDARY_BOX has beendefined.
## If secondary box is defined, then primary box must be too. if [ -z "$PRIMARY_BOX" ]; then mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX $MY_TAG PROBLEM on `hostname`. The PRIMARY_BOX variable is not set. The SECONDARY_BOX variable IS set. Either UNset SECONDARY_BOX or define PRIMARY_BOX. XXX echo " PRIMARY_BOX variable not set, but SECONDARY_BOX is." >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: PRIMARY_BOX variable not set, but SECONDARY_BOX is." fi return 1 else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: PRIMARY_BOX = $PRIMARY_BOX" fi fi ## Check that the assignment of primary or secondary box matches hostname. ## Define MY_ROLE variable. case "`hostname`" in "$PRIMARY_BOX") MY_ROLE='PRIMARY';; "$SECONDARY_BOX") MY_ROLE='SECONDARY';; *) mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX $MY_TAG PROBLEM The variables PRIMARY_BOX and SECONDARY_BOX are defined, but do not match what is returned by hostname command. PRIMARY_BOX = ->${PRIMARY_BOX}<- SECONDARY_BOX = ->${SECONDARY_BOX}<- hostname command = `hostname` XXX echo " PRIMARY_BOX and SECONDARY_BOX variables fail to match hostname command." >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: PRIMARY_BOX and SECONDARY_BOX variables fail to match hostname command." fi return 1 ;; esac if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: MY_ROLE = $MY_ROLE" fi ## Define OTHER_BOX variable case "$MY_ROLE" in "PRIMARY") OTHER_BOX="$SECONDARY_BOX";; "SECONDARY") OTHER_BOX="$PRIMARY_BOX";; *) OTHER_BOX='SCRIPT_IS_BROKE';; esac if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Defined OTHER_BOX = $OTHER_BOX" fi ## This should not happen. if [ "$OTHER_BOX" = "SCRIPT_IS_BROKE" ]; then mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $SCRIPTNAME got OTHER_BOX = ->${OTHER_BOX}<- in CHECK_OTHER_BOX function. Got MY_ROLE = ->${MY_ROLE}<- XXX return 1 fi ## The soft link serves as a record of the last test status. if [ ! -L "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" ]; then ## If the soft link is not here, then create it. OLD_STATUS='NOT_TESTED' ln -s NOT_TESTED "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX $MY_TAG CHECK_OTHER_BOX: PROBLEM Failed to create soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> NOT_TESTED on ${MYNAME}:${LINKDIR} XXX echo " Failed to create soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> NOT_TESTED." >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Failed to create soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> NOT_TESTED." fi case "$MY_ROLE" in ## Don't error off if this is primary box. "PRIMARY") return 0;; ## Error off if this is secondary box. "SECONDARY") return 1;; ## This should not be able to happen ... REALLY! *) mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX $MY_TAG PROBLEM Got value ->${MY_ROLE}<- for MY_ROLE on $MYNAME in function CHECK_OTHER_BOX. This must be either PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Must be a bug in the script; this should not be possible. XXX ## Log whatever wierd value we got for MY_ROLE. echo " CHECK_OTHER_BOX BROKE: Got value ->${MY_ROLE}<- for MY_ROLE." >> "$LOG_FILE" return 1;; esac else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Created ${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> NOT_TESTED" fi fi fi ## Read soft link for status of last test. if [ "$OLD_STATUS" != "NOT_TESTED" ]; then OLD_STATUS=`ls -l "${LINKDIR}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/ OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> /s/\([^>]*> \)\(.*\)/\2/p'` fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: OLD_STATUS = $OLD_STATUS for OTHER_BOX_STATUS" fi ## The following is an example of paranoia. ## In case soft link is not OK, BROKE, or NOT_TESTED. case "$OLD_STATUS" in "OK") ;; "BROKE");; "NOT_TESTED");; *) ## This should not happen, but just in case ... rm -f "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" ln -s NOT_TESTED "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" OLD_STATUS=`ls -l "${LINKDIR}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/ OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> /s/\([^>]*> \)\(.*\)/\2/p'` if [ "$OLD_STATUS" != "NOT_TESTED" ]; then mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX SERIOUS $MY_TAG PROBLEM on $MYNAME Cannot create OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> NOT_TESTED on ${MYNAME}:${LINKDIR} XXX fi if [ "$MY_ROLE" = "PRIMARY" ]; then ## Do not error off if this is primary box. return 0 else return 1 fi ;; esac ## Ping other box 1 time if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then ping -c 1 "$OTHER_BOX" else ping -c 1 "$OTHER_BOX" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi ## If ping not successful if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Ping OTHER_BOX = $OTHER_BOX FAILED" echo " OLD_STATUS = $OLD_STATUS" fi ## If status has changed, then recreate soft link and send email. if [ "$OLD_STATUS" != "BROKE" ]; then rm "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" ln -s BROKE "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo " $OTHER_BOX changed to BROKE from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "$OTHER_BOX changed to BROKE from $OLD_STATUS" fi ## This info is mailed now instead of going to mail_file. if [ -n "$PAGER_PERSON" ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending page to $PAGER_PERSON" fi ## Even though this script is not conn_check, send message as if it were. ## That way the same paging setup can be used for both. mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $PAGER_PERSON <<-XXX $OTHER_BOX changed to BROKE from $OLD_STATUS XXX else ## If, for some reason, PAGER_PERSON is blank, email SUPPORT mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $OTHER_BOX changed to BROKE from $OLD_STATUS XXX fi else ## In case we can't modify the soft link ## AND you're going to keep getting this email until you fix it. mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX $MY_TAG PROBLEM Failed to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> BROKE on `hostname`:${LINKDIR} Got OTHER_BOX = ->${OTHER_BOX}<- XXX echo " CHECK_OTHER_BOX: FAILED to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> BROKE" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: FAILED to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> BROKE" fi fi fi ## If ping is successful else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Ping OTHER_BOX = $OTHER_BOX OK OK" echo " OLD_STATUS = $OLD_STATUS" fi if [ "$OLD_STATUS" != "OK" ]; then ## If status has changed, then recreate soft link and send email. rm "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" ln -s OK "${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ## This info is mailed now instead of going to mail_file. if [ -n "$PAGER_PERSON" ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending page to $PAGER_PERSON" fi ## Even though this script is not conn_check, send message as if it were. ## That way the same paging setup can be used for both. mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $PAGER_PERSON <<-XXX $OTHER_BOX changed to OK from $OLD_STATUS XXX else ## If, for some reason, PAGER_PERSON is blank, email SUPPORT mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $OTHER_BOX changed to OK from $OLD_STATUS XXX fi echo " OTHER_BOX = $OTHER_BOX changed to OK from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: OTHER_BOX changed to OK from $OLD_STATUS" echo " Created soft link ${LINKDIR}/OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> OK" fi else mailx -s "FIX THIS" "$SUPPORT" <<-XXX CONN_CHECK PROBLEM Failed to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> OK on `hostname`:${LINKDIR} Got OTHER_BOX = ->${OTHER_BOX}<- XXX echo " CHECK_OTHER_BOX: FAILED to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> OK" >> "LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: FAILED to modify soft link OTHER_BOX_STATUS -> OK" fi fi fi if [ "$MY_ROLE" = "SECONDARY" ]; then ## If this is secondary box, then the script should stop here. ## Return non-zero to make script exit. if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "**** I am SECONDARY. My job is done. ****" fi return 2 fi fi return 0
##################### END CHECK_OTHER_BOX ####################### #################### BEGIN RUN_TEST ###################RUN_TEST () {
## remove any TEST_SID links left by previous run. for FILE in `ls -1 "${LINKDIR}/TEST_"* 2> /dev/null`; do rm "$FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "RUN_TEST: Removed $FILE" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST: Removed $FILE" fi else echo "- RUN_TEST: ERROR removing $FILE" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST: ERROR removing TEST_SID link $FILE" fi fi done ## Get list of sids that have system password in password file AND are listed in tnsnames.ora. ## If SID is not in password file, then it will not be tested. /usr/bin/awk -F: ' $1 ~ /#/ {next} /^$/ {next} NF==3 && $2 ~ /[sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM]/ {print $1,$2,$3}' "$PASSWORD_FILE" | \ while read SID USER PASS; do if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "Found $SID in $PASSWORD_FILE; egrepping $TNSFILE" fi egrep \^$SID'[. ]' "$TNSFILE" > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " $SID in passwd but not in tnsnames.ora on $MYNAME" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" echo " $SID in passwd but not in tnsnames.ora on $MYNAME" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " $SID in passwd but not in tnsnames.ora on $MYNAME" fi continue fi ## Put link to serve as a marker that we tried to test this SID. ## This is in case sqlplus hangs. Then we know what SIDS hung. ln -s NOTHING "${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$SCRIPTNAME broke running ln -s NOTHING ${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" >> "$PAGE_FILE" echo "$SCRIPTNAME broke running ln -s NOTHING ${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "- RUN_TEST: BROKE running ln -s NOTHING ${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" fi ## If we got error, then the link should not exist, but .... rm "${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" 2> /dev/null continue fi ## Run sqlplus test in a subshell and background it in case it hangs. ## The most common reason for hanging is target computer cannot be reached ## (computer down or network problem), but could be database is locked up. ( STATUS=0 { sqlplus -s <<-XXX system/${PASS}@${SID} set serveroutput on set heading off set feedback off -- the following is cartesian join, but OK because only one line returned for NAME. -- The goofy outer join is to force at least one row to be returned when there are -- no jobs. The script MUST read at least one line to determine if sqlplus worked. select, nvl(b.broken,'N') from v\$database a, dba_jobs b where b.job(+) != a.checkpoint_change#; XXX } | sed '/^$/d; s/^[ ]*//g' | \ while read LINE; do if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "SQLPLUS $SID:==> $LINE" fi ## If sqlplus didn't hang, then we got here; so remove the TEST_SID link. ## If this link is not removed, then later on we will assume sqlplus hung. ## Redirect error to /dev/null in case multiple lines are read causing script ## to try to remove the link more than once. rm "${LINKDIR}/TEST_${SID}" 2> /dev/null ## If STATUS is not zero, then loop and do nothing to empty buffer. ## A text comparison is used in case a bug in the script leaves STATUS blank. if [ "$STATUS" != "0" ]; then continue fi ## values printed by the awk statement match the indexes in the STATUS_LIST ## array defined in the SET_VARIABLES function. ## 0 = OK ## 1 = CONNECT_ERROR ## 2 = JOB_BROKEN ## 3 = OTHER_ERROR ## We only check the first three characters of the NAME returned by sqlplus. ## This permits limited use of database aliases. For example RATE_SEND & RATE_GET ## This assumes it is unlikely the first three characters of an error message ## will match the first three characters of a SID name. STATUS=`echo $LINE | awk ' substr($0,1,3) != substr(SID,1,3) {print "1"; exit} $2 == "Y" {print "2"; exit} $2 == "N" {print "0"; exit} {print "3"} ' SID="$SID"` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID: STATUS = $STATUS = ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" fi done ## Test to see if link status already exists. If so, then leave it alone. ## Otherwise, replace it with new status and, if appropriate, send notification of change. OLD_STATUS=`ls -l "${LINKDIR}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/ '$SID' -> /s/\([^>]*> \)\(.*\)/\2/p'` if [ -z "OLD_STATUS" ]; then OLD_STATUS='BLANK'; fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID: OLD_STATUS = $OLD_STATUS ; tested status = ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" fi if [ "$OLD_STATUS" = "${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID:STATUS = ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} already exists." fi continue else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID: STATUS = ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} does NOT exist." echo " Remove ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" fi rm "${LINKDIR}/${SID}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" ln -s "${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" "${LINKDIR}/${SID}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ## Send page only for STATUS = 2 errors. Let other scripts page for other errors. if [ "$STATUS" = "2" -o "$OLD_STATUS" = "${STATUS_LIST[2]}" ]; then echo "$SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$PAGE_FILE" else echo " $SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" echo "$SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$MAIL_FILE" fi ## Log all errors even if not sending page. echo "$SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID: changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" fi else echo "$MY_TAG broke running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" >> "$PAGE_FILE" echo " BROKE running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST BROKE running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" fi fi fi )& ## This "done" goes with while reading from password and tsnsnames.ora files done ## Give background jobs some time to run. sleep 20 ## Empty out "jobs completed" messages. jobs > /dev/null 2>&1 ## See if there are still any jobs running. If so, give them some more time. COUNT=0 MAXCOUNT=6 while [ -n "`jobs`" -a $COUNT -lt $MAXCOUNT ]; do COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1 )) sleep 20 done if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "--- RUN_TEST job sleep COUNT = $COUNT ---" fi ## Kill any jobs still running. if [ $COUNT -ge $MAXCOUNT ]; then jobs > /dev/null 2>&1 for JOB in `jobs | sed -n '/\[[0-9][0-9]*\]/s/\(\[\)\([0-9][0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\2/p'`;do kill %$JOB echo " Killed job $JOB" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST Killed job $JOB" fi done fi for SID in `ls -1 "${LINKDIR}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/TEST_/s/.*TEST_//gp'`; do ## If TEST_SID soft link still exists, then sqlplus probably hung for SID. ## Assign status of CONNECT_ERROR which is STATUS=1 STATUS=1 ## Test to see if link status already exists. If so, then leave it alone. ## Otherwise, replace it with new status and, if appropriate, send notification of change. OLD_STATUS=`ls -l "${LINKDIR}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/ '$SID' -> /s/\([^>]*> \)\(.*\)/\2/p'` if [ -z "OLD_STATUS" ]; then OLD_STATUS='BLANK'; fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID: OLD_STATUS = $OLD_STATUS ; tested status = ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" fi if [ "$OLD_STATUS" = "${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]}" ]; then continue else rm "${LINKDIR}/${SID}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID} 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo " $SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST $SID changed to ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} from $OLD_STATUS" fi else echo "$MY_TAG broke running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" >> "$PAGE_FILE" echo " BROKE running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RUN_TEST BROKE running ln -s ${STATUS_LIST[$STATUS]} ${LINKDIR}/${SID}" fi fi fi done
#################### END RUN_TEST ################### ###################### BEGIN REMOVE_OLD_LINKS ##################### REMOVE_OLD_LINKS () { CURRENT_HOST='NOTHING' ls -l "$LINKDIR" | awk '/->/ {print $(NF - 2)}' |\ while read LINK; do if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "Check if current: $LINK" fi ## The following sed statements assume no hostnames have an underscore as part of the name. SID=`echo $LINK | sed 's/_.*$//g'` ## Ignore lock_file if [ "$SID" = "lock" ]; then continue; fi ## Ignore OTHER_BOX_STATUS if [ "$SID" = "OTHER" ]; then continue; fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "-- Test if $SID in $PASSWORD_FILE" fi egrep -q \^${SID}: "$PASSWORD_FILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " FOUND $SID in password file" fi else rm "${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "- Removed old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "- Removed old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" else echo "- BROKE Removing old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "- BROKE Removing old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" fi continue fi if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "-- Test if $SID in $TNSFILE" fi egrep -q \^${SID}'[.].*' "$TNSFILE" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " FOUND $SID in tnsnames file" fi else rm "${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "- Removed old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "- Removed old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" else echo "- BROKE Removing old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "- BROKE Removing old link ${LINKDIR}/${LINK}" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" fi fi done
###################### END REMOVE_OLD_LINKS ##################### ###################### BEGIN MAIL_AND_PAGE ##################### MAIL_AND_PAGE () { if [ -f "$MAIL_FILE" ]; then ## The sed brackets have a space and a tab. COUNT=`sed 's/[ ]*//g; /^$/d' "$MAIL_FILE" | awk 'END {print NR}'` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " $MAIL_FILE has $COUNT lines." fi if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending email to $SUPPORT" fi mailx -s "JOB_MON INFO" $SUPPORT < "$MAIL_FILE" fi fi if [ -f "$PAGE_FILE" ]; then ## The sed brackets have a space and a tab. COUNT=`sed 's/[ ]*//g; /^$/d' "$PAGE_FILE" | awk 'END {print NR}'` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " $PAGE_FILE has $COUNT lines." fi if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then if [ -n "$PAGER_PERSON" ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending page to $PAGER_PERSON" fi ## Even though this script is not conn_check, send message as if it were. ## That way the same paging setup can be used for both. mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $PAGER_PERSON < "$PAGE_FILE" else mailx -s "CONN_CHECK INFO" $SUPPORT < "$PAGE_FILE" fi fi fi if [ $TIME -ge $MAINT_TIME -a $TIME -lt $(( $MAINT_TIME + $CRON_INTERVAL )) ]; then if [ -f "$DAILY_SUMMARY" ]; then chmod 640 "$DAILY_SUMMARY" cat /dev/null > "$DAILY_SUMMARY" else touch "$DAILY_SUMMARY" chmod 640 "$DAILY_SUMMARY" fi if [ ! -f "$DAILY_SUMMARY" ]; then echo " Failed to create daily summary file ->${DAILY_SUMMARY}<-" >> "$LOG_FILE" mailx -s "JOB_MON BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX $MY_TAG broke. Failed to create daily summary file ->${DAILY_SUMMARY}<- on $MYNAME XXX else ls -l "$LINKDIR" | awk '/ -> / {print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' | while read SID ARROW STATUS JUNK; do if [ "$SID" = "lock_file" ]; then continue; fi if [ "$STATUS" != "OK" ]; then echo "$SID : $STATUS" >> "$DAILY_SUMMARY" echo " daily summary $SID : $STATUS" >> "$LOG_FILE" fi done ## The sed brackets have a space and a tab. COUNT=`sed 's/[ ]*//g; /^$/d' "$DAILY_SUMMARY" | awk 'END {print NR}'` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " $DAILY_SUMMARY has $COUNT lines." fi if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending daily summary to $SUPPORT" fi mailx -s "JOB_MON DAILY SUMMARY" $SUPPORT < "$DAILY_SUMMARY" else mailx -s "JOB_MON DAILY SUMMARY" $SUPPORT <<-XXX No broken jobs found. XXX fi fi if [ -f "$NUISANCE_FILE" ]; then ## The sed brackets have a space and a tab. COUNT=`sed 's/[ ]*//g; /^$/d' "$NUISANCE_FILE" | awk 'END {print NR}'` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " $NUISANCE_FILE has $COUNT lines." fi if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " Sending nuisance_file to $SUPPORT" fi mailx -s "JOB_MON NUISANCE FILE" $SUPPORT < "$NUISANCE_FILE" cat /dev/null > "$NUISANCE_FILE" fi fi fi
###################### END MAIL_AND_PAGE ##################### ###################### BEGIN RDIST_FILES #####################RDIST_FILES () {
if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RDIST_FILES: Got MY_ROLE = $MY_ROLE" fi case "$MY_ROLE" in "PRIMARY") if [ -n "$OTHER_BOX" ]; then ## Since we have been writing stuff to SCRIPTDIR, we will assume we can cd to it. ## The idea here is to get the complete path of the files regardless of where we ## were sitting when we ran the scripts. cd "$SCRIPTDIR" CURDIR=`pwd` if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "RDIST_FILES got CURDIR = $CURDIR" fi ## Update all files and soft links on secondary box. ## NOTE: This copies the lock_file as well. I debated whether to clean this up ## on the remote box, and decided not to worry about it. This should not be a ## problem since the script already properly (we hope) deals with the case where ## the lock_file already exists. if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then rdist -wc "${CURDIR}" "${OTHER_BOX}" else rdist -wc "${CURDIR}" "${OTHER_BOX}" 2>> "$LOG_FILE" 1> /dev/null fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Failed to rdist files to $OTHER_BOX" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo " **> Failed to rdist files to $OTHER_BOX" >> "$NUISANCE_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: Failed to rdist files to $OTHER_BOX" fi else if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "CHECK_OTHER_BOX: rdist to $OTHER_BOX OK OK" fi fi fi ;; "SECONDARY") ## If this is secondary box, then primary must be down. ## So can't rdist any files to it. So don't try. return 0 ;; *) mailx -s "$MY_TAG BROKE" $SUPPORT <<-XXX RDIST_FILES: Got MY_ROLE = ->${MY_ROLE}<- XXX echo " RDIST_FILES: BROKE Got MY_ROLE = ->${MY_ROLE}<-" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$1" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo " RDIST_FILES: BROKE BROKE BROKE BROKE" fi esac
###################### END RDIST_FILES ##################### ###################### BEGIN MAIN #####################SET_VARIABLES "$1"
if [ -n "$SCRIPTDIR" ]; then rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1 fi
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -n "$SCRIPTDIR" ]; then rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1 fi
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -n "$SCRIPTDIR" ]; then rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1 fi
trap 'rm -f '${SCRIPTDIR}'lock_file; exit 0' 2 3 9 15
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -n "$SCRIPTDIR" ]; then rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1 fi
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
rm -f "${SCRIPTDIR}lock_file" exit 1
###################### END MAIN #####################
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Stephen Lee INET: Stephen.Lee_at_DTAG.Com Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Mon Apr 28 2003 - 12:26:53 CDT
- application/octet-stream attachment: job_mon.ksh
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