I thought you were being humourous here. Then I saw your
email about it being possible to revoke ALTER SESSION and there
being a Note on MetaLink !
I did find the Note. It is Note #204699.1 and provides an
example by way of using the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table.
The note does say that although ALTER SESSION is implicit with
requires an explicit ALTER SESSION privilege. How nice !
At 11:44 AM 08-04-03 -0800, you wrote:
revoke alter session
from users ...
Rajendra dot Jamadagni at nospamespn dot com
All Views expressed in this email are strictly personal.
QOTD: Any clod can have facts, having an opinion is an art !
-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Dali [mailto:boris_dali@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 3:09 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: 65 Oracle security papers, articles and presentations
Thanks, the collection is very useful.
Does the trick of dumping the library cache, level 10
and hunting for open text passwords still work in 9i?
I thought they fixed it, so it would look like the
BUCKET 114176:
LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=6f4bcf88
name=alter user dummy identified by ***********
hash=e7b3be00 timestamp=04-08-2003 13:48:11
Any "cure" for this?
Boris Dali
Hemant K Chitale
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Author: Hemant K Chitale
INET: hkchital@singnet.com.sg
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Received on Wed Apr 09 2003 - 11:08:51 CDT