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Oracle-L: by subject
- "Take Care of your DBAs"
- 9iAS hardware requirement
- _allow_resetlogs_corruption
- Advice needed on PL/SQL code
- Base conversion
- books recommendations
- Case of the Missing Rows
- Connexion between 9iAS and Oracle 7.3.4
- DataGuard
- Error processing 8i
- Experiences with Automatic Undo Management
- extents question on LMT
- Follow-up: It's NOT possible to set role in db's logon trigger
- Global Stats
- Migration from 8.1.7 to 9.0.2
- more consistent gets, but more quickly?
- Oracle doesn't start up with domain user
- OT - Raid
- Peoplesoft & Oracle
- Perl
- Perl - Was unix time conversion function
- problem install oracle 9.2.0 on redhat 7.3
- RMAN or SQLBacktrack?
- Slightly OT: Development Vs. Production DBA
- SQL Net connection.
- SQL Question
- SV: SQL Question
- test
- tim column in trace output
- TNS Packet Failure ?
- to much time to execute query
- tuning forms/reports application
- Windows 2000 Cluster on oracle
- Writing efficient SQL queries
- Last message date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 23:33:48 CST
- Archived on: Wed Apr 25 2007 - 04:30:22 CDT