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Oracle-L: by subject
- Another simple question
- auto backup and spfile restore
- BMC's Patrol
- CBO not using the index ... Here is what I did
- CBO not using the index even though it is faster when hinted
- CBO not using the index even though it is faster when hinted ....
- changing Home directory?
- Check list - never mind...
- Checklist - Ken Janusz??
- Configuring back up in Oracle 9i
- Dictionary location or initSID.ora and PWDsid.ora
- EMC EDM backup utility and 9i
- Error extensions in the alrtXXX.log
- Friday Reading ... All About SQL and RDBMS
- Informix Emigration
- JSP Runtime.getRuntime().exec and no secondary groups on Unix
- OEM 4
- ORA-4062 is driving me crazy !!
- over-normalized?
- Parallel query on partitioned table gives inconsisitent
- Perl Breakdown
- Producing .mdb output from sqlplus or SQL or PL/SQL
- Program name in v$ views
- Server Shutdown
- simple question on DDL
- Slow database, too MANY buffers???
- Sort (Collating Sequence)
- SQL Tuning
- Statspack recomendations.
- tim column in trace output
- Tricky query question
- unix time conversion function
- users identified by external
- Last message date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 23:28:46 CST
- Archived on: Wed Apr 25 2007 - 04:30:22 CDT