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- 8.1.7 with *what* version of Portal??
- 9i / 9iRAC : Segment_Space_Management AUTO, with LOB
- Automatic backup on Oracle 9i
- Cache on sysdate? --From 9i performance planning manual
- compile errors
- Cursor_space_for_time
- Deadlock
- Deleting some//all the child records from the child tables and th e corresponding records in the parent table(s)
- Distributed Option
- join after saving rowid Value into a Field - For Design , Dev
- join after saving rowid Value into a Field - For Design , Dev. Gurus
- LMT- Migrated tablespaces
- Oracle.exe , CPU running at near 85%
- OT: Forms,Reports performance problem
- PMON seems to not close sessions in a timely manner eg "Max
- Rebuilding Indexes...
- Row Migration
- Script to recreate schema
- single-task message
- Those Pesky Little Audit Files (ora_99999.aud)
- unable to create stored outline for sql inside a procedure --
- Versioning the Database !
- Last message date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 23:33:41 CST
- Archived on: Tue Apr 10 2007 - 16:50:07 CDT