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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: System Tablespace and Autoextend
Actually, SYSTEM is one of the only tablespaces I like to have it set on.
While I originally set it to autoextend when I was doing an upgrade I left
it active on the grounds that while I know how to recover if by some chance
one of my datafiles runs out of space, I'm uncertain as to the implications
of SYSTEM needing to extend and failing.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:09 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I use AUTOEXTEND and it has been extremely helpful to me in managing growth.
However, my policy is not to use autoextend for SYSTEM, rollback tablespace,
or temp tablespace.
SYSTEM (for me) is relatively stable. The only time I have significant
in SYSTEM is during an upgrade. For rollback and temp tablespaces, I don't
want to throw away diskspace on "unreasonable" or "abnormal" usage. If I
these spaces, I've made certain that it is necessary.
Kip Bryant
|FWIW I'd go with Dennis here. I don't like AUTOEXTEND on the SYSTEM
|(In fact I'm not overenamoured of AUTOEXTEND on any datfile, except maybe
|dev and sandbox databases).
|If the SYSTEM tablespace isn't used for rollbacks (apart from the SYSTEM
|rollback) or temporary segments and the auditing information is written to
|it's own tablespace then I can't think of a set of circumstances that would
|cause the SYSTEM tablespace to rapidly fill up.
|System upgrade/migrations are the exception to this rule but in general a
|DBA would plan ahead for those occasions anyway.
|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 4:29 PM
|To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
|I've been running with autoextend on (though limited to 2Gig) and never had
|a problem.
|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 5:26 PM
|I run my SYSTEM tablesaces in autoextend, and have for some time. I run
|that way from the point of database creation and have never had a problem.
|There were some problems with autoextend in earlier versions of 8 (and I
|think they managed to migrate to early 8i versions as well) with 2GB
|boundaries, but those have all been corrected.
|Robert G. Freeman - Oracle OCP
|Oracle Database Architect
|CSX Midtier Database Administration
|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 4:46 PM
|Sam -
| I haven't made the system tablespace autoextend because I can't easily
|recover the space if it overextends. I would rather take the risk that
|something hits an error from a lack of space in the system tablespace. With
|other tablespaces you can always rebuild the tablespace if you need to.
|Dennis Williams
|DBA, 40%OCP
|Lifetouch, Inc.
|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 1:27 PM
|Hello All,
|I have heard several times that if the SYSTEM tablespace runs out of space
|and needs to autoextend (assuming autoextend is turned on for the data
|file), then you run the risk of the database crashing and of data
|corruption. I have never personally encountered this problem, so I have no
|experience on what actually does happen.
|I looked in metalink for documents on this, but turned up nothing. Does
|anybody have experience on the dangers of allowing the SYSTEM tablespace to
|autoextend and also any documents on Metalink or OTN that describe this
|We are running Oracle versions 7.3.4, 8.0.5, 8.1.7, and 9.2. All our
|versions are running on Windows NT (or Windows 2000).
|Thanks for any feedback.
|Sam Bootsma, OCP
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