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Oracle-L: by subject
- 7.3.2 ->
- Backups
- Dark side of the force
- Data modeling question about reference table
- doucments about securtiy
- Failed to archive log....
- Help find pk dependencies 7.3.4 db
- how to find out the patch applied on different env.
- Indexing SYS tables
- logon trigger
- NIKU v6.0.0.12?
- ORA-1115
- Oracle 8i Parallel Server on Linux install
- Oracle D.B.A. required in M.A.
- Oracle DBA Needed with Shareplex and "Factory Works"
- Performance monitoring
- Perl::DBI problems after charset change (MORE INFO -- longish
- Sample Pro*C code for TAF in 8iOPS/9iRAC
- select <sequence>.nextval from dual contributes to poor perfo
- select <sequence>.nextval from dual contributes to poor performan
- slightly OT: data modelling question
- SQL Backtrack Reports
- SQLLdr help needed
- svrmgrl echo v$database in script
- table_changes
- Tool to load data
- TSPITR Question
- urgent help: replication, shareplex
- using obfuscation
- Utl_file and OPENVMS
- Last message date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 23:18:18 CDT
- Archived on: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 17:42:00 CST