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Re:RE: Time for a reorg?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 05:53:24 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Yes, I think databases still get reorg'd today. It is just that our definition of a reorg and a database I think are changing. In the past if you said you were going to reorg a database that a full export, possibly a rebuild and an import. Way too time consuming for today's 24x7 requirements. Today I think we reorg at the object or schema level, not the entire instance. BTW, I think our definition of a database is also changing from the entire instance to a single schema.

Dick Goulet

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Author: "Mark Leith" <>
Date:       3/13/2002 3:38 AM

Wow - does nobody reorg databases anymore? ;P

Thanks for all your help guys.. I'll take that as a cue to put some time aside..;0P

-----Original Message-----

Sent: 12 March 2002 11:43
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Does anyone have any "set limits" to know when it would be time for object reorgs?

Firstly, I *know* that the reorg issue is viciously guarded on two sides - those that say reorgs should be done, and those that argue that they are unnecessary in todays environments. I agree with both sides ;P And don't intend this to break out the debate for the nth time..

What I am really after is guidelines from people to their own views of when a reorg is deemed necessary. Things such as percentage of rows that are chained/migrated, or number of extents, or number of extents as a percentage of maxextents or whatever..

Anybody come up with a really cool script that evaluates this - instead of me re-inventing the wheel? I could do this - I just don't really have the time at the moment - so your input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance


 Mark Leith             | T: +44 (0)1905 330 281
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 Cool Tools UK Ltd      | E:
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Author: Mark Leith

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