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Hi List !
i got ur replies then i came to realise that i did not explain my problem in clearer way . Now i am posting the code of my procedure and i hope u people make me understand whether my approach is right ot wrong . There is a table INV ( for invoice ) and from GUI is using different invoice_id (which is PK of INV table) . Then he clicks on post button on form which will call my following procedure by passing inv_id list (as string from my Delphi application) . Inside the procedure i am doing lots of calculations and table will have huge number of record and these processing may take time .
cursor suspcash(vinvid in number ) is
select distinct cs.cash_check_id
from cash_susp cs
where cs.inv_id = vinvid
select distinct cs.cash_check_id
from cash_susp cs,inv i
where cs.quote_id= i.quote_id
and i.inv_id = vinvid ;
/*lock table inv in
row share
mode ;
Before going down i want to lock all those records invoice id are being passed as argument in my procedure as string
if Instr( pInvIDList, ',',-1,1) <> 1 then InvIdList := pInvIDList || ','; end if;
CommaPos := INSTR( InvIdList, ',', StartPos, 1 ); if CommaPos = 0 then Exit; end if; Invstr :=substr( InvIdList, StartPos, CommaPos - StartPos ); invId := TO_NUMBER(InvStr); StartPos := CommaPos + 1; select INV_NBR_SEQ.NEXTVAL into invNbrSeq from dual; select AMS_DUE_DT.GET_AP_VCHR_DUE_DT(i.eff_dt,'Q',i.quote_id), Decode(i.ar_due_input,'F',AMS_DUE_DT.GET_AR_INV_DUE_DT('I',invId),'T',i.ar_due_dt), i.susp_cash, Decode(i.susp_cash ,'F',i.unpost_bal), TO_CHAR(i.acct_dt,'YYYY') ||TO_CHAR(i.acct_dt,'MM')||TO_CHAR(invNbrSeq) into ap_date,ar_date ,vSusCash, vunpostbal,invNbr from inv i where i.inv_id = invId; if vSusCash ='T' then open suspcash(invId); loop fetch suspcash into vCashcheckId ; exit when suspCash%notFound ; select (cc.susp_bal - cs.amt) into vCCBal from cash_check cc,cash_susp cs where cc.cash_check_id=cs.cash_check_id and cs.cash_check_id =vCashcheckId; update cash_check set susp_bal= vCCBal where cash_check_id = vCashcheckId; end loop; close suspcash; end if ; update INV set inv_nbr = invNbr, post_dt = sysdate, ar_due_dt = ar_date, mkt_ap_due_dt = ap_date, unpost_bal = vunpostbal, ar_due_input = 'T' where inv_id = invId;end Loop;
seeking for help .....
Shishir Kumar Mishra
Agni Software (P) Ltd.,
Bangalore-560055, India
It is my understanding that Shishir is SELECTing a record, viewing it, making a change to the data and then updating it. Normally, another user can slip in and update the row, so he wants to make sure that no one else does.
For example, in a hotel room reservation system, you would prompt the system for an available room. You would then probably reserve that room for a particular customer. If there was no lock on that room (record) then your guest might discover someone else in the room. Ops.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ora NT DBA []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 11:59 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: row level lock
Hi Shishir,
This is oracle's default behaviour. As you update , insert or delete a row oracle places a lock at the row level.
John HOugh wrote:
HI list! I want to lock a table on row level ( not table level) . how do we pass the pass that value in syntax which will lock only those rows. plz make me understand by giving an example. thanx in advance.. Shishir Kumar Mishra Agni Software (P) Ltd., Bangalore-560055, India
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Shishir
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