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Oracle-L: by subject
- aix tools
- any body come across, decreasing db_block_size.
- Automatic database start in sun solaris
- compare two tables.
- downgrading Linux 7.0 to 6.2
- Duplicate rows.
- dyn sql
- dyn sql(get the constraints script)
- finding free memory
- hash join order
- HELP - How can I limit what program users use to connect?
- How do you audit a DBA?
- How to interpret Alert.Log & Trace files...
- Installing 73 and 816 on one NT server?
- Interesting Problem
- Locking Issue
- Log switches
- Microsoft XP
- ORA-12542 Problem !!
- OT - Microsoft XP
- OT: Some of you MS bashers will love this!
- OT: Stored procedures in MySQL using Perl
- PLS-307 error - makes no sense
- Question on Sequences
- RedoLogs switching
- Standard SQLNET.ORA with multiple O_HOME's
- startup time v7
- Would you use 9i?
- Last message date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 14:20:38 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 15:58:31 CST