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RE: job offer from SAUDI ARABIA

From: Brian MacLean <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 12:04:54 -0700
Message-ID: <>

God I live in an awful country.  I'm sorry for all the tyranny my country has put the world through.  I guess I'll just shoot myself.

Seriously.  I encourage the individual that is looking at working in Saudi Arabia to do so if that is the experiences he wishes to have.  I am the first to scream from the highest mountain all the things that are wrong with America, and if it's okay with you, what is right with America.  The point being that in America, "I CAN" if I want to.

Have a nice day and I hope you enjoy your move to Saudi Arabia.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric D. Pierce [] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:07 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Re: job offer from SAUDI ARABIA

Many professional women in the USA have found it necessary to purchase handguns to protect themselves from criminal elements in public places. Children are constantly under psychological assault being exposed to media violence. The "liberal" education system is devoted to indoctrinating children with mindless "PC" relativism, materialism/consumerism and hatred of God (or at least arrogant dismissal). 

Western "freedoms" can be seen from a variety of perspectives. 

> Conditions cut both ways - depends on how you see it... Loss of religious,
> social and cultural freedom against the possibility of earning (and saving
> because you can't spend) lots of $$. Having said that, as long as you stick
> to the straight and narrow path (as defined by the Saudi authorities) you
> will be on the safest place on earth as far as crime goes. (E.g. stealing is
> punishable by cutting off your arm/fingers!!)


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