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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: OT -- marketing (was Windows vs. UNIX)
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
your prose after I ran it through the Oraclizer:
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
size=2>"Robust cross-optimized, scalable dung filters seamlessly harmonize
online B2B and B2C interactions, requiring deep instinct-based best-of-breed
CRM, BPE, SOL, and DOA products with a cutting edge, ass-centric, butt-licking,
customer driven coherence."
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
now scores a jargon 6. A little more practice, and you too can get a job
at Oracle!
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
Extent, Inc.
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Mohan, Ross
[]Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:11
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
OT -- marketing (was Windows vs. UNIX)
Cute website, but sadly, it deemed my submission (below) to be
level 1 - the best possible prose.
Uh huh.
"Cross-optimized dung filters harmonize online interactions
requiring deep instinct-based CRM, BPE, SOL, and DOA products with a
ass-centric, butt-licking coherence."
|| -----Original Message----- || From:
Kirsh, Gary [<A
href="">] <FONT
size=2>|| Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 4:20 PM || To:
Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L || Subject: RE:
OT -- marketing (was Windows vs. UNIX) ||
|| || Eric, <FONT
size=2>|| || Judging from their recent press releases,
I'd say it does || NOT apply to their <FONT
size=2>|| marketing information. Check for yourself, trying running
|| some of their || finest
marketing prose through the Jargonator at || <A
href=""> I
just tried the press release titled || "Mykrolis Takes
Oracle Straight to the Bottom Line", and it || scored
a 6 - || "Put it in the bottom of your bird cage and
start over", the || highest (or <FONT
size=2>|| lowest, depending on how you look at it) jargon score.
|| || To be fair, I've found Larry to
be pretty good in this || regard, but as you
|| start moving down from the top of the Oracle management
|| pyramid, the jargon ||
really starts to snowball, to the point where I've seen (and <FONT
size=2>|| worked for) || some low-level managers who
speak completely in meaningless, ||
buzzword-laden || techno babble. My theory is
that the quantity of technical || jargon used
is || inversely proportional to the speakers actual
understanding of the || technology. <FONT
size=2>|| || Gary ||
|| Gary Kirsh || Next Extent,
Inc || || -----Original
Message----- || Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 3:40
PM || To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
|| || || Does
that apply to Oracle's complex, frequently nearly inpenetrable
|| ever changing jargon related to product
line/descriptions and || marketing/pricing
information, or "just" the technology? :) <FONT
size=2>|| || As far as the general topic of marketing
effectiveness and/or || failure, there used to be some
sort of marketing industry award that || was given out
to giant corporations that spent vast sums on ||
marketing || consultants and ad campaigns that are
huge flops. It is not unusual || at all. Of course it
is essentially a virtual reality industry, so || you
can imagine the difficulty of trying to q/a that stuff. <FONT
size=2>|| || My guess is that one of the
justifications for big IT corps to spend || vast sums
on mass "public image" ads is to intimidate competition by <FONT
size=2>|| creating the appearance of "normalcy" (about the corporation
|| doing th || advertising) in
public opinion. || || In
other words, when I see a TV ad for PacBell "data operations" <FONT
size=2>|| I know that it is probably even more of a huge pile of cr*p than the
|| average corporate ad, and somehow suspect it is
related to || Worldcom's ||
ads, and some attempt to create a "perception" that PacBell is able
|| (is is soon going to be able) to effectively
compete with || Worldcom in ||
data services. || ||
etc. || || regards,
|| ep || ||
|| On 1 May 2001, at 9:37, Kirsh, Gary wrote:
|| || Date
sent: Tue, 01 May 2001
09:37:06 -0800 ||
Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <FONT
size=2>|| <> ||
|| > To hear Larry's take on IBM and their new ads,
go to || and click <FONT size=2>|| on || > this news story: <FONT size=2>|| > || > "Oracle declares war oncomplexity. Watch the webcast of || Larry Ellison's || > interview with Salomon Smith Barney and press conference." || ||
href=""> <FONT size=2>|| -- || Author: Kirsh, Gary <FONT size=2>|| INET: ||