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Oracle-L: by subject
- ***Urgent Question***
- 9iAS on Linux
- A couple of questions from a lazy DBA
- Archive log file monitoring Unix script - Help needed
- asyn i/o on sun or hp
- AW: Q: OEM and Oracle Agent, error VNI-2015
- Copying some rows from a table having a long datatype
- Copying some rows from a table having a long datatype column.
- Design question
- Does Oracle Allow Retrieval of Parsed Insert Statement??
- Dynamic Tables
- Email from a trigger
- ERP config feedback
- error message
- Help -- to modify the storage parameter for LOBSEGMENT
- how can I tell if a read only tablespace is offline?
- HP-UX 11.0 64 bits
- Index usage for a table
- Index Usage Monitoring
- Init.ora .. OPTIMIZER parm: optimizer_index_cost_adj
- Java stored procs.
- Locally managed tablespaces
- METABLINK on the Fritz?
- mis-matching between tkprof output and its raw input
- newbie: dyamic SQL again
- newbie: dynamic SQL again
- newbie: problem in dynamic SQL
- ORA-12645 parameter does not exist
- oracle cliënt
- Oracle name server Vs. LDAP
- OT ? for people who know other databases besides Orac
- OT ? for people who know other databases besides Oracle
- OT/sick: sound advice
- OT: Locally managed tablespaces - ST enque
- People Soft dba info
- Performance Manager - connecting to database problem- help if
- Performance Manager - connecting to database problem- help if you can
- pl/sql: Forgive me if this is stupid
- Pondering Question of the Day-RESPECT
- salary advise
- Selecting all columns
- sql query
- Sql*Loader
- SQLplus Help
- Unix script question
- Varchar2(4096) too long ??
- when did that happen ... (really like to know)
- WHERE Clause of Forms Block fails to find record!!!!
- Your problems with MS-Acess <=> Oracle
- Last message date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 04:39:44 CST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 23:52:52 CDT