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RE: Oracle networking question

From: Tim Onions <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:40:24 -0000
Message-Id: <>


I have experienced something very similar on NT but with a different solution. We found that after between 2-4 weeks of continued successful running Oracle would suddenly not allow any new connections (which simply hung and never came back with an error nor ever timed-out). Listener was running OK. I spent ages on the phone with WWS about this and they could not come up with a solution other than stopping/restarting the instance (no mention from them about moving the TNS files). The funny thing was that in preparation for the shutdown we started disconnecting application processes
(which are multithreaded C++ with OO4O by the way) and as soon as we stopped
a certain one of these all new connections were magically allowed once again.

The same problem occurred a couple of weeks later and was fixed in the same way - disconnecting a certain application OO4O set of processes.

We now have our OO4O processes automatically disconnect/reconnect every 24 hours but it is too early to say whether this has fixed the problem yet.

Are there any similarities inthe above with your set-up?

Another thing we have experienced is that NT has been know to "lose" environment variables - when it does so it cannot find certain products. This, for us, means that Net8 cannot find TNS_ADMIN environment variable and so cannot connect. I would guess (but have not tried) that moving the TNS files to the \bin directory would fix this an NT executable will look in its startup directory for config fiels by default.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ray [] Sent: 21 November 2000 14:26
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Oracle networking question

All of the sudden, people could not connect to the instance. Those already in were fine. Listener and names server were running OK.

Moving 2 Oracle networking config files (sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora) to a different directory (oracle_home\bin) from the default directory
(oracle_home\network\admin) without restarting anything solved the problem.
If I moved them back, I couldn not get in.

Why would moving these 2 files fix it when it had been running fine for months????!!!!!

Should I just chalk it up to another NT oddity?

Michael Ray
Oracle DBA
TRW, Marshall, IL
217-826-3011 x2438

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Received on Wed Nov 22 2000 - 03:40:24 CST

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