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You piqued my curiousity so I went to investigate the registry further. I =
could not find "tns_" or "network\" (to find network\admin) anywhere in =
the registry of any of the 7.3.4 or 8.1.5 servers.
Thus, it appears that the executables themselves must be hardcoded to look = in %oracle_home%\network\admin.
Another important note I forgot to mention perhaps was that I did NOT have = to move the listener.ora file from this directory. Just sqlnet.ora and = tnsnames.ora.
Since the server has been rebooted since the incident for unrelated = reasons, I just decided to move the files back to network\admin and <knock = on wood> I can still connect </knock on wood>
Go figure! Another wacky NT anomaly I guess. Just makes you feel all warm = and fuzzy. I have to say though, we have had very few problems with our NT = servers. The couple we have had have been wild though!
Michael Ray
Oracle DBA
TRW, Marshall, IL
217-826-3011 x2438
>>> 11/22/00 03:41AM >>>
Another thing we have experienced is that NT has been know to "lose"
environment variables - when it does so it cannot find certain products.
This, for us, means that Net8 cannot find TNS_ADMIN environment variable =
so cannot connect. I would guess (but have not tried) that moving the TNS
files to the \bin directory would fix this an NT executable will look in =
startup directory for config fiels by default.
Received on Wed Nov 22 2000 - 09:09:22 CST