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Here is a statement that I created to recreate all the indexes from a certain tablespace. You may adapt it to your case. Run this script before you drop the indexes. It will create sql statements to: 1. for the primary key - drop constraint, drop PK, recreate it, and reestablish the constraint; 2. for other indexes drop and recreate the index. It will use the current storage parameters which might need to be edited.
HTH Djordje
> Anyone have a stored procedure that I can use to drop and recreate the
> For many of my load jobs I need to drop the indexes and then create them
> later. What I would like is if Oracle didn't drop the definition of the
> out of the data dictionary so I would still have the information to
rebuild it.
> Instead I am going to have to create my own index dictionary tables so
that when
> I drop the index the index definition is stored in the table for
rebuilding it
> after the load.
> If anyone has any code for this under 8i I'd appreciate it.
> Dave Turner
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> --
> Author: David Turner
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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select i.table_name || '00' npr
, CHR(10)||CHR(10)||CHR(10)||CHR(10) from dba_indexes i
, dba_constraints c
where i.owner =3D c.owner and i.table_name =3D c.table_name and i.index_name =3D c.constraint_name and c.constraint_type =3D 'P' and i.tablespace_name=3D'NCWIZ_INDEX'union
, CHR(10)||CHR(10)||CHR(10)||CHR(10)|| 'alter table ' || c1.table_name || ' drop constraint ' || =c1.constraint_name || ';'
, dba_constraints c2
where c1.r_owner||c1.r_constraint_name in
(select i.owner||i.index_name from dba_indexes i , dba_constraints c where i.owner =3D c.owner and i.table_name =3D c.table_name and i.index_name =3D c.constraint_name and c.constraint_type =3D 'P' and i.tablespace_name=3D'NCWIZ_INDEX' ) and c1.constraint_type =3D 'R'
, 'alter table ' || i.table_name || ' drop primary key;' from dba_indexes i
, dba_constraints c
where i.owner =3D c.owner and i.table_name =3D c.table_name and i.index_name =3D c.constraint_name and c.constraint_type =3D 'P' and i.tablespace_name=3D'NCWIZ_INDEX'union
, 'alter table ' || i.table_name || CHR(10) || ' add constraint ' || c.constraint_name || CHR(10) || ' primary key (' || cc.column_name || ') ' || CHR(10) || ' using index' || CHR(10) || ' NOLOGGING' || CHR(10) || ' PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255' || CHR(10) || ' storage(' || ' INITIAL ' || decode(sign(s.blocks*2-32),-1,32,s.blocks*2) || = 'K ' || ' NEXT ' || = decode(sign(TRUNC(s.blocks/2-32)),-1,32,TRUNC(s.blocks/2)) || 'K ' || ' PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 121' || CHR(10) || ' FREELISTS 1 FREELIST GROUPS 1 BUFFER_POOL = DEFAULT)' || CHR(10) || ' tablespace "NCWIZ_IND";' || CHR(10) from dba_indexes i , dba_constraints c , dba_cons_columns cc , dba_segments s where i.owner =3D c.owner and i.table_name =3D c.table_name and i.index_name =3D c.constraint_name and c.owner =3D cc.owner and c.constraint_name =3D cc.constraint_name and i.owner =3D s.owner and i.index_name =3D s.segment_name
, 'alter table ' || c1.table_name || ' add constraint ' || = c1.constraint_name || CHR(10)
|| ' foreign key (' || cc1.column_name || ')' || CHR(10) || ' references ' || c2.table_name || '(' || = cc2.column_name || ')' || CHR(10) || ' enable;' from dba_constraints c1 , dba_cons_columns cc1 , dba_constraints c2 , dba_cons_columns cc2 where c1.r_owner||c1.r_constraint_name in (select i.owner||i.index_name from dba_indexes i , dba_constraints c where i.owner =3D c.owner and i.table_name =3D c.table_name and i.index_name =3D c.constraint_name and c.constraint_type =3D 'P' and i.tablespace_name=3D'NCWIZ_INDEX' ) and c1.constraint_type =3D 'R' and c1.r_owner =3D c1.owner and c1.r_constraint_name =3D c2.constraint_name and c1.owner =3D cc1.owner and c1.constraint_name =3D cc1.constraint_nameand c2.owner =3D cc2.owner