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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Oracle error codes and messages
Hi, Rick,
There's no table that contains Oracle error messages with error codes. The only source, as you already know, is the file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg on UNIX and possibly %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\mesg\oraus.msb on NT, as well as Oracle documentation. From PL/SQL, you can get minimum error description by sqlerrm(-1*error_number), but this is limited to the ORA facility only.
Nevertheless, it would be a fruitful exercise to load data from the oraus.msg file into a table you create. If you do so, we'll appreciate it if you can post the SQL*Loader control file to this list.
Yong Huang
you wrote:
Is there an oracle table that contains the Oracle error codes and associated messages to select?
Rick Cale, Science Applications International Corp.
Phone:865-481-2198, fax:865-481-8555