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Your query should look like this:
> Select columnslist from table A, B, C
> where table A(PK) = table B(PK) (+) -- add (+) for each column
> !!
> and table B(PK) = table C(PK) (+)
> and table C(PK) = <some value>
and some other conditions
HTH, Remco
> ----------
> From: Sanjay Kumar[]
> Sent: woensdag 11 oktober 2000 2:35
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Urgent - Outer Join
> hi,
> The following is the situation in SQL Server. i am sure the same problem
> would come in Oracle.
> I have three tables
> Table A, Table B and Table C.
> Table A is the super table (Master).
> Table B is the child table of A.
> Table C is another table which is joined with table C.
> Table C has got no relation with Table A.
> What I want:
> I want to get all the rows from table A irrespective of whether their
> primary keys are referenced in Table B.But the table B also needs to
> reference table C.
> My query (Skeleton)
> Select columnslist from table A, B, C
> where table A(PK) * = table B(PK)
> and table B(PK) = table C(PK)
> and table C(PK) = <some value>
> and some other conditions
> My error
> Table B is a inner member of the outer join clause and it cannot thus
> participate in a normal join operation.
> I would appreciate if anyone could kindly let me know the cause of the
> error and also the solution.
> Also where can I find info about the Outer joins white paper.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
Received on Wed Oct 11 2000 - 02:44:15 CDT