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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: NT disaster recovery for Oracle - your experiences
Hi Vikram,
Thanks for the detailed information.
If I understand correctly, in steps 3 & 4 you are effectively just creating
the Oracle services for the database.
ie oracleserviceSID and in versions before 815 possibly the database start
These can be created using oradim (oradim80 in 805) rather than going
through the whole process of creating a new database.
(Or you could just back up to a .reg file the relevant registry entries -
these will need to be edited if file locations change).
eg you could just do (commands for 815):
oradim -new -sid abcd -intpwd thepwd -startmode auto -pfile D:\oracle\admin\abcd\pfile\pfileABCD.ora oradim -startup -sid abcd -starttype srvc,inst -usrpwd thepwd -pfile D:\oracle\admin\abcd\pfile\pfileABCD.ora
Bruce Reardon
-----Original Message-----
From: Khushalani, Vikram []
Sent: Friday, 22 September 2000 1:41
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: NT disaster recovery for Oracle - your experiences
We are facing a potentially similar situation.
Here is how we would approach it on an NT platform with a 'cold backup' of
our lost system at hand:
(this is for versions 7.3.x --> 8i)
Portions of this have been tested. The part I have not tested yet is the renaming of the CONTROL FILE. Theoretically it should work, but I like to test everything.
Do a dry run first to ensure success.
On the New Server:
SVRMGR> Startup mount pfile=d:\orant\database\initsid.ora Note- Replace 'd:\orant\database\initgd2k.ora' with where
your INIT<SID>.ORA file is.
After the database is mounted (you should see 'DATABASE MOUNTED.' from SVRMGR) you can start renaming the files (i.e. telling Oracle where they have been moved to). Remember this is done inside the SVRMGR since oracle needs to know where its files are (your datafiles already exist physically at the new locations)
SVRMGR> Alter database rename file 'D:\orant\database\log1sid.ora' to
Note- substitute your file names here
9) Do this for each file which is changing location.
SVRMGR> Alter database open
Note- If things worked fine then the SVRMGR will just tell you
'Statement Processed' and you database is up.
Test-->Test--->and Test Again before implementing.
Forgive me if you know all the commands and the details are superfluous.
Vikram Khushalani
Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 8:15 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Anyone out there care to share experiences of gotcha's and things to do learnt from experiences of recovering Oracle on NT platforms in disaster recovery situtations (simulated or real!) where original server has been "taken out" and differrent server with different disk arrangements etc. has had to be used for recovery purposes. So we are talking about NT being rebuilt, I know an NT admin issue and then Oracle software and data being restored from tape backups. I "suspect" NT registry may be an issue.
Sean :)
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