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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RAM Internal Error
You might also want to check out MetaLink searching with the keywords "FRM-40908" *and* "cache", and, another search with just "FRM-40908".
I agree with Kathe's thoughts on the issues. I have run into the FRM-40908 error probably around 10 times or so. In *every* case, it had to do with Forms attempting to buffer data and problems with the TMP/TEMP directory (being full, not defined, no write privs, etc.). But, I didn't remember ever seeing an error message exactly like yours. A quick search of MetaLink turned up some other issues specific to your error message that *might* not be related to TMP/TEMP directory issues.
There were numerous mentions of bugs and patches. Other issues mentioned were lack of RAM. One thing that appeared in more than a few tech notes, though, was the idea that more records were being posted than were defined for being buffered:
"Set the 'Records Buffered' block property larger than the maximum number of
records you expect to be posted without committing. This property is set
the block property sheet using the Oracle Forms Designer."
The above suggestion was a way to work around particular bug(s), though I only saw one mention of this in a Forms 6.0 Release Notes document related to a bug and a POST-QUERY trigger. You didn't say if records were being posted; but, it might be an avenue worth pursuing. Every time I encountered the FRM-40908 error, it was a TMP/TEMP directory issue such as Kathe mentioned. It appears, though, that there can be other reasons as well. I've never run into them; but, maybe you are bumping into one of them.
Regards and good luck,
L. Elkins
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Kathe
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 11:23 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: RAM Internal Error
I have had this error before. Be sure the directory that is defined as your
temp directory is not full. Look in your regedit under your Oracle software
for the definition of this directory.
Hope this helps-
Ajay Kothari wrote:
> Hi Guru's,
> Platform: Oracle7.3.4/Sco-Unix Open Server(5.0.2)/D2K forms6 / Win-98
> Problem Definition: In a particular form when we try to update a record,
> sometimes we get the following error consecutively:
> FRM-40908
> Ram Internal Error
> IRM file 1:\src\irm\irmrsco.c,
> line 50, the cache is full and all entries are locked.
> Frequency of the error: quite often
> Please suggest the solution.
> Thanks in advance
> Ajay
> Keep smile !!! Visit us at
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-- Kathe C. Newsome Centenary College of Louisiana Sr. Software Manager/Database Administrator Email : Telephone : 318.869.5213 Fax : 318.869.5004 Cols. 1:9 -- Author: Kathe Newsome INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You mayReceived on Tue Sep 05 2000 - 18:34:19 CDT
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