I'm not familiar with story server but if it allows you to create store=
procedures what is the problem with the example I gave?
PROCEDURE run_proc (proc_name IN varchar2, argument1 INnumber, argument=
2 IN
cid number;
string varchar2(1000);
e_severe_error exception;
pragma exception_init( e_severe_error, -4068);
/*execute procedure*/
cid :=3D dbms_sql.open_cursor;
string :=3D 'begin '||proc_name||'('||argument1||','||argument2||=
'); end;';
number_rows :=3D dbms_sql.execute(cid);
WHEN e_severe_error THEN
/*re-execute procedure*/
cid :=3D dbms_sql.open_cursor;
string :=3D 'begin '||proc_name||'('||argument1||','||argument2||=
'); end;';
number_rows :=3D dbms_sql.execute(cid);
paquette stephane <stephane_paquette_at_yahoo.com>@fatcity.com on 04/26/20=
04:00:04 PM
Please respond to ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com
Sent by: root_at_fatcity.com
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com>
Subject: Re: Dynamic procedure calling to solve ORA-4068
That is what I want to do but our web site is
developped with Vignette Story Server. We can not do
anonymous pl/sql block in Story Server (If we can
please show me how). So what I'm working on is a
stored proc that can launch dynamically stored proc.
I've a prototype, now I'm trying to catch the out
If the call failed with an ora-4068, I'll just
relaunch the procedure.
- Jack van Zanen <nlzanen1_at_ey.nl> a =E9crit:
> Hi,
> If I understand correctly you can use an exception
> handler to trap error message
> 4068 and define an action to take when it happens.
> ******************
> PROCEDURE ins_sysstat
> IS
> e_severe_error exception;
> pragma exception_init( e_severe_error, -4068);
> execute procedure
> ....
> WHEN e_severe_error THEN
> execute procedure
> ...
> ******************
> Hope this helps
> Jack
> paquette stephane
> <stephane_paquette_at_yahoo.com>@fatcity.com on
> 04/26/2000
> 11:29:09 AM
> Please respond to ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com
> Sent by: root_at_fatcity.com
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> <ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com>
> cc:
> I'm trying to find a way to solve our ORA-4068
> errors.
> We have persistent connections and the wonderful
> world of internet wants us to change the code in
> production pretty often.
> Does someone has done dynamic procedure calling ?
> My idea is to have a generic procedure (the
> launcher)that would receive a procedure and its
> arguments as a in parameter.
> If the procedure call failed with an ORA-4068, the
> launcher would call it again.
> Anybody ?
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Stephane Paquette
> DBA Oracle
> stephane_paquette_at_yahoo.com
> spaquette_at_houra.fr
> (33) 01 53 93 06 50
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