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Hi Bob and gnu list ...
Test. Just kidding.
Since you're on WinNT for Oracle (as am I) I'll assume that you're GUI
(here come the flames ...)
here's one method:
Download TOAD at the usual location: Install.
connect as the owner of the schema (naturally).
Select the Menu Database >> Export >> Table Scripts
Click the Select All button.
Click the OK button.
You are now in the Table script creation section
Select the options that you would like.
You might elect to not include indexes, and just create the tables.
You might elect to include the indexes, but disable them prior to import.
Click on the Options tab.
Save to File - enter a path or click on the '...' browse button.
After saving a backup copy, turn your favorite editor loose on it to replace
the storage parameters (assuming global storage defaults) to your desired
Then make your table-specific storage parameters directly to the script.
Export the user whose tables you wish to modify the storage parameters.
Destroy the user ...
Re-create the user ...
Execute the table-create script.
Import the user's objects, IGNORE=Y.
compute stats, etc ...
Examine the table storage params.
here's another method:
adapt the attached script (from the O'Reilly Oracle Script book)
to map to a table that you create that contains the table-specific storage
parameters that you want (overrides).
for tables which do not have overrides, have it either use existing or
default storage parameters.
Paul Drake
Digest only here at work ...
(about to find out about the policy of attaching scripts mailed to the
general list)
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Bryla []
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 7:57 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re-create 7.3 DB, new blksize, init/next/pct; import; OOPS
imports old
Re-created a DB last weekend (7.3.4 under NT) larger blocksize, better
segment defaults
when creating the
tablespaces, per Oracle tool author's (third party OO layer)
Took previous night's export, imported, OOPS, the old
init/next/pctincrease/pctfree/pctused were imported along with the tables,
this is BAD
they have found out the hard way).
I see a few options at a high level, which one(s) make sense: (a) export
again; drop all
indexes/tables/constraints (about 224 tables total), import twice (?) once
with the DDL
to create the tables and indexes,
import again with the tables already there... (b) create new tables with
same names +
_NEW, CREATE TABLE ... SELECT AS which should default the new tables' params
to the
tablespace defaults, then rename orig to _OLD, rename good ones, drop _OLD
ones or (c) ???
One of the (few) good things about the tool they're using is that once the
are there, the tool will automatically generate and run the DDL to create
the constraints
and indexes.
And any scripts that are out there to automate something like this would be appreciated...
-- Author: Bob Bryla INET: ------_=_NextPart_000_01BFAFEA.A70A5A00 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="CRTABLES.SQL" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="CRTABLES.SQL" Content-Location: ATT-0-F6687601891BD411A33C00A0C9D7D980-C RTABLES.SQL rem $DBA/crtables.sql rem rem This script generates another script that will include all the = CREATE rem TABLE statements for those in the database (except for the SYS = user). rem rem This script must be run by a user with the DBA role under Oracle = 7.2 or rem later. (Otherwise the FREELISTS and FREELIST GROUPS clauses will = have rem to be omitted). rem rem The dbms_output package must be available. rem rem Last Change 08/18/97 by Brian Lomasky to add FLOAT datatype = support. rem Last Change 08/04/97 by Brian Lomasky to add option to use = DBA_SEGMENTS for rem sizing the initial and next rem extents, and to include FREELISTS rem and FREELIST GROUPS. rem set verify off set feedback off set echo off set pagesize 0 set termout on set serveroutput on size 100000 rem rem = ************************************************************************= *** rem ***** Set the following usesegs flag to Y to use the total number = of bytes rem ***** that the segment is currently using (instead of the table's rem ***** originally-specified INITIAL_EXTENT value) as the value to = use for rem ***** the INITIAL_EXTENT in the script file that this script = creates, so rem ***** that the table will be recreated in a single extent. (The = NEXT_EXTENT rem ***** will be limited to no more than the INITIAL_EXTENT value.) rem ***** (Set to 'N' to use the originally-specified INITIAL_EXTENT = value). rem = ************************************************************************= *** rem def usesegs=3D'N' rem rem select 'Creating table build script...' from dual; create table tabl_temp ( lineno NUMBER, text VARCHAR2(80)); declare cursor tab_cursor is select upper(owner), upper(table_name), pct_free, pct_used, ini_trans, max_trans, tablespace_name, initial_extent, next_extent, min_extents, max_extents, freelists, freelist_groups, pct_increase from sys.dba_tables where owner !=3D 'SYS' order by owner, table_name; cursor segments_cursor (s_own VARCHAR2, s_tab VARCHAR2) is select bytes from sys.dba_segments where segment_name =3D s_tab and owner =3D s_own and segment_type =3D 'TABLE'; cursor col_cursor (c_own VARCHAR2, c_tab VARCHAR2) is select owner, upper(column_name), upper(data_type), data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, default_length, data_default, column_id from sys.dba_tab_columns where table_name =3D c_tab and owner =3D c_own order by column_id; lv_owner sys.dba_tables.owner%TYPE; lv_table_name sys.dba_tables.table_name%TYPE; lv_pct_free sys.dba_tables.pct_free%TYPE; lv_pct_used sys.dba_tables.pct_used%TYPE; lv_ini_trans sys.dba_tables.ini_trans%TYPE; lv_max_trans sys.dba_tables.max_trans%TYPE; lv_tablespace_name sys.dba_tables.tablespace_name%TYPE; lv_initial_extent sys.dba_tables.initial_extent%TYPE; lv_next_extent sys.dba_tables.next_extent%TYPE; lv_min_extents sys.dba_tables.min_extents%TYPE; lv_max_extents sys.dba_tables.max_extents%TYPE; lv_freelists sys.dba_tables.freelists%TYPE; lv_freelist_groups sys.dba_tables.freelist_groups%TYPE; lv_pct_increase sys.dba_tables.pct_increase%TYPE; segment_bytes sys.dba_segments.bytes%TYPE; lv_column_name sys.dba_tab_columns.column_name%TYPE; lv_data_type sys.dba_tab_columns.data_type%TYPE; lv_data_length sys.dba_tab_columns.data_length%TYPE; lv_data_precision sys.dba_tab_columns.data_precision%TYPE; lv_data_scale sys.dba_tab_columns.data_scale%TYPE; lv_nullable sys.dba_tab_columns.nullable%TYPE; lv_default_length sys.dba_tab_columns.default_length%TYPE; lv_data_default sys.dba_tab_columns.data_default%TYPE; lv_column_id sys.dba_tab_columns.column_id%TYPE; lv_lineno number :=3D 0; initial_extent_size varchar2(16); next_extent_size varchar2(16); a_lin varchar2(80); function wri(x_lin in varchar2, x_str in varchar2, x_force in number) return varchar2 is begin if length(x_lin) + length(x_str) > 80 then lv_lineno :=3D lv_lineno + 1; insert into tabl_temp values (lv_lineno, x_lin); if x_force =3D 0 then return x_str; else lv_lineno :=3D lv_lineno + 1; insert into tabl_temp values (lv_lineno, x_str); return ''; end if; else if x_force =3D 0 then return x_lin||x_str; else lv_lineno :=3D lv_lineno + 1; insert into tabl_temp values ( lv_lineno, x_lin||x_str); return ''; end if; end if; end wri; begin a_lin :=3D ''; open tab_cursor; loop fetch tab_cursor into lv_owner, lv_table_name, lv_pct_free, lv_pct_used, lv_ini_trans, lv_max_trans, lv_tablespace_name, lv_initial_extent, lv_next_extent, lv_min_extents, lv_max_extents, lv_freelists, lv_freelist_groups, lv_pct_increase; exit when tab_cursor%notfound; if '&&usesegs' =3D 'Y' then open segments_cursor (lv_owner, lv_table_name); fetch segments_cursor into segment_bytes; if segments_cursor%found then lv_initial_extent :=3D segment_bytes; if lv_next_extent > lv_initial_extent then lv_next_extent :=3D lv_initial_extent; end if; end if; close segments_cursor; end if; a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, 'create table ', 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, lv_owner || '.' || lv_table_name, 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' (', 0); if (to_char(lv_ini_trans) =3D '0') then lv_ini_trans :=3D 1; end if; if (to_char(lv_max_trans) =3D '0') then lv_max_trans :=3D 1; end if; open col_cursor(lv_owner, lv_table_name); loop fetch col_cursor into lv_owner, lv_column_name, lv_data_type, lv_data_length, lv_data_precision, lv_data_scale, lv_nullable, lv_default_length, lv_data_default, lv_column_id; exit when col_cursor%notfound; if lv_column_id <> 1 then a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ',', 0); end if; a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, chr(34) || lv_column_name || chr(34), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' ' || lv_data_type, 0); if lv_data_type =3D 'CHAR' or lv_data_type =3D 'VARCHAR2' or lv_data_type =3D 'RAW' then a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, '(' || lv_data_length || ')', 0); end if; if (lv_data_type =3D 'NUMBER' and nvl(lv_data_precision, 0) !=3D 0) or lv_data_type =3D 'FLOAT' then if nvl(lv_data_scale, 0) =3D 0 then a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, '(' || lv_data_precision || ')', 0); else a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, '(' || lv_data_precision || ',' || lv_data_scale || ')', 0); end if; end if; if lv_default_length !=3D 0 then if lv_default_length < 80 then a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' DEFAULT ', 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, lv_data_default, 0); else dbms_output.put_line( 'Skipping default clause on ' || 'column ' || lv_column_name); dbms_output.put_line( ' on table ' || lv_table_name); dbms_output.put_line( ' since length is ' || to_char(lv_default_length)); end if; end if; if lv_nullable =3D 'N' then a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' NOT NULL', 0); end if; end loop; close col_cursor; a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ')', 1); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' PCTFREE ' || to_char(lv_pct_free), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' PCTUSED ' || to_char(lv_pct_used), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' INITRANS ' || to_char(lv_ini_trans), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' MAXTRANS ' || to_char(lv_max_trans), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' TABLESPACE ' || lv_tablespace_name, 1); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' STORAGE (', 0); /* Calculate extent sizes in Mbytes or Kbytes, if possible */ if mod(lv_initial_extent, 1048576) =3D 0 then initial_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_initial_extent / 1048576) || 'M'; elsif mod(lv_initial_extent, 1024) =3D 0 then initial_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_initial_extent / 1024) || 'K'; else initial_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_initial_extent); end if; if mod(lv_next_extent, 1048576) =3D 0 then next_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_next_extent / 1048576) || 'M'; elsif mod(lv_next_extent, 1024) =3D 0 then next_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_next_extent / 1024) || 'K'; else next_extent_size :=3D to_char(lv_next_extent); end if; a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' INITIAL ' || initial_extent_size, 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' NEXT ' || next_extent_size, 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' MINEXTENTS ' || to_char(lv_min_extents), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' MAXEXTENTS ' || to_char(lv_max_extents), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' PCTINCREASE ' || to_char(lv_pct_increase), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' FREELISTS ' || to_char(lv_freelists), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ' FREELIST GROUPS ' || to_char(lv_freelist_groups), 0); a_lin :=3D wri(a_lin, ');', 1); end loop; close tab_cursor; commit; exception when others then rollback; raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unexpected error on ' || lv_table_name || ', ' || lv_column_name || ': ' || to_char(SQLCODE) || ' - Aborting...'); end; / set termout offReceived on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 20:48:11 CDT