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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Reply to Designer 2000
> Can anyone out there give me any information/comments/problems encountered
> concerning the ORACLE CASE DESIGNER/DEVELOPER 2000 product.
> We here in Ottawa just starting to develop with this TOOL and are
> experiencing many problems AND closed doors!!!
> Tks -> MMN in Ottawa, Canada
There is an Oracle Case SIG, OCSIG, that maintains a mailing list like this one, only for members, perhaps, not sure. Memebership fee is reasonable though, corporate membership available. This has proved usefull to us in installing and learning the Des/2k product, and in researching problems and solutions/patches. Group members also receive demo/pre-release Oracle products as they are available. You can reach OCSIG president, Jeffery Jacobs, at, mail list is
John Griffin (205) 890-2401 | A TTTTTTT SSSSS Advanced Technology Systems (ATS), Inc. | A A T S 4801 University Square, Suite 2 | AaaaA T SSSSS Huntsville, AL 35816-3431 | A A T S | A A T SSSSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------Received on Wed Jan 31 1996 - 10:24:53 CST