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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Reverse engineering environments from one schema to another
The following scripts can be used to copy a complete environment from
one schema to another. To commence the run see instructions in attached
script DB_RE.SQL. I have attached a sample environment file at the end
Note that view 'ALL_SORCE' and 'CONSTRAINT_DEFS' (also
included) need to be compiled with public synonyms in the SYS schema
Permission has been obtained from the author ( to distribute these utilities. If you have any problems using the utilities please mail me ( direct.
-- Needed for LONG of trigger/view
SET LONG 10000
-- Needed for LONG of trigger/view
-- Needed for LONG of trigger/view
DEFINE spoolfile = '&1'
-- The name of the spool file which will contain the generated DDL */
DEFINE exec_path = '&2'
-- The path for scripts called by this script
DEFINE copy_schema = '&3'
-- The name of the schema being copied
DEFINE copy_objects = '&4'
l_exclude_option VARCHAR2(10);
l_exclude_option := p_exclude_option;
INSERT INTO temp_copy_objects
(object_name , copy_ch , copy_fk , copy_uk , copy_pk , copy_tr , copy_nn ) VALUES (UPPER(p_object_name), decode(instr(l_exclude_option, 'C'), 0, 'C', NULL), decode(instr(l_exclude_option, 'F'), 0, 'F', NULL), decode(instr(l_exclude_option, 'U'), 0, 'U', NULL), 'P' , decode(instr(l_exclude_option, 'T'), 0, 'T', NULL), decode(instr(l_exclude_option, 'N'), 0, 'N', NULL));END;
CREATE TABLE temp_dependencies
(name VARCHAR2(30), referenced_name VARCHAR2(30));
INSERT INTO temp_dependencies
SELECT name, referenced_name
FROM all_dependencies
AND name NOT IN ('STANDARD', 'DBMS_STANDARD') AND referenced_name <> name AND type IN ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY') AND referenced_type IN ('PROCEDURE','FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY') AND owner = upper('©_schema') AND referenced_owner = upper('©_schema');
INSERT INTO temp_dependencies
SELECT name, referenced_name
FROM all_dependencies
WHERE type = 'VIEW'
AND referenced_type IN ('VIEW','TABLE') AND owner = upper('©_schema') AND referenced_owner = upper('©_schema');
INSERT INTO temp_copy_objects (object_name, copy_ch, copy_fk, copy_uk, copy_pk, copy_tr, copy_nn) SELECT DISTINCT referenced_name, rec.copy_ch, rec.copy_fk, rec.copy_uk, rec.copy_pk, rec.copy_tr, rec.copy_nn FROM temp_dependencies WHERE referenced_name NOT IN (select object_name from temp_copy_objects) START WITH name = rec.object_name CONNECT BY PRIOR referenced_name = name; COMMIT;
SPOOL &spoolfile
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || ri.table_name || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' ||
ri.constraint_name || ';'
FROM constraint_defs ri,
user_constraints ref, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE ri.r_constraint_name = ref.constraint_name AND ref.table_name = copy.object_name AND ri.owner = user AND ri.r_owner = user AND copy.object_type = 'TABLE' AND ri.constraint_type = 'R';
SELECT 'DROP TABLE ' || user_tables.table_name || ';'
FROM user_tables, temp_copy_objects WHERE user_tables.table_name = temp_copy_objects.object_name AND temp_copy_objects.object_type = 'TABLE';
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating selected tables from ©_schema...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'B'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating selected views from ©_schema...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'V'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating primary key constraints...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'P'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating uniqueness constraints...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'U'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating foreign key constraints...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'R'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'C'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SELECT 'PROMPT Creating database triggers on selected tables...' FROM DUAL;
SELECT text FROM temp_text
WHERE object_type = 'S'
ORDER BY seq_no;
SPOOL OFF --Now drop temporary tables/procedures - no longer needed
DROP TABLE temp_text; DROP TABLE temp_copy_objects; DROP TABLE temp_dependencies;
l_last_table_name CHAR(30) := '@'; l_seq_no NUMBER(3):= 0; -- Sequences output l_first_table_name BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Is this first table?
SELECT col.table_name, col.column_name, col.data_type, col.data_length len, col.data_precision prec, col.data_scale scale, col.nullable, copy.copy_nn FROM all_tab_columns col, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE col.table_name = copy.object_name AND copy.object_type = 'TABLE' AND col.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY col.table_name, col.column_id) LOOP IF RTRIM(rec.table_name) <> RTRIM(l_last_table_name) THEN -- This is a new table */ l_last_table_name := rec.table_name; IF l_first_table_name THEN l_first_table_name := FALSE; -- From here on, not first table ELSE -- If not very first table, then output the close bracket for -- the last table INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('B', l_seq_no, ');'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF; -- Create the table header for this row */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('B', l_seq_no, 'CREATE TABLE ' || rec.table_name || ' ('); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- Create the first column definition. INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('B', l_seq_no, rec.column_name || ' ' || rec.data_type || decode(rec.data_type, 'CHAR', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'RAW', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'VARCHAR2', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'VARCHAR', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'NUMBER', '(' || to_char(rec.prec) || ',' || to_char(rec.scale) || ')', '') || decode(rec.copy_nn || rec.nullable, 'NN', ' NOT NULL', '') ); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; ELSE -- We are still processing previous table - output this column as -- part of table */ -- Create the first column definition. INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('B', l_seq_no, ',' || rec.column_name || ' ' || rec.data_type || decode(rec.data_type, 'CHAR', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'RAW', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'VARCHAR2', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'VARCHAR', '(' || to_char(rec.len) || ')', 'NUMBER', '(' || to_char(rec.prec) || ',' || to_char(rec.scale) || ')', '') || decode(rec.copy_nn || rec.nullable, 'NN', ' NOT NULL', '') ); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF;
l_last_view_name CHAR(30) := '@'; l_seq_no NUMBER(5); -- Sequences output no l_base_count NUMBER(5):= 0;
SELECT vw.view_name, col.column_name, vw.text FROM all_tab_columns col, temp_copy_objects copy, all_views vw WHERE col.table_name = copy.object_name AND vw.view_name = copy.object_name AND copy.object_type = 'VIEW' AND col.owner = upper('&1') AND vw.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY col.table_name, col.column_id) LOOP IF RTRIM(rec.view_name) <> RTRIM(l_last_view_name) THEN -- This is a new view */ l_last_view_name := rec.view_name; l_seq_no := 1; -- Start sequence again for this base number. -- Create the view header for this row */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + l_seq_no, 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ' || rec.view_name ); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- Create the first column definition. INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + l_seq_no, '(' || rec.column_name); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- Output the view text for the view, at the end of this base count INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + 97, ') AS'); INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + 98, rec.text); INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + 99, '/'); l_base_count := l_base_count + 100; ELSE -- We are still processing previous view - output this column as -- part of previous view INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('V', l_base_count + l_seq_no - 100, ',' || rec.column_name); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF;
l_last_cons CHAR(30) := '@'; l_seq_no NUMBER(3):= 0; -- Sequences output l_first_cons BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Is this first constraint? l_constraint_type CHAR(11);
IF '&1' = 'P' THEN
l_constraint_type := 'PRIMARY KEY';
IF ('&1' = 'U') THEN l_constraint_type := 'UNIQUE'; ELSE raise_application_error(-20000, 'Parameter must be U or P'); END IF;
SELECT ac.constraint_name cons, ac.table_name tab, acc.column_name col FROM all_constraints ac, all_cons_columns acc, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE ac.constraint_name = acc.constraint_name AND copy.object_name = ac.table_name AND copy.object_type = 'TABLE' AND instr( copy_uk || copy_pk, '&1') > 0 AND ac.constraint_type = '&1' AND ac.owner = upper('&2') AND acc.owner = upper('&2') ORDER BY ac.constraint_name, acc.position) LOOP IF RTRIM(rec.cons) <> RTRIM(l_last_cons) THEN -- This is a new constraint */ l_last_cons := rec.cons; IF l_first_cons THEN l_first_cons := FALSE; -- From here on, not first constraint ELSE -- If not very first constraint, then output the close bracket for -- the last constraint INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('&1', l_seq_no, ');'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF; -- Create the constraint header for this column */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('&1', l_seq_no, 'ALTER TABLE ' || || ' ADD CONSTRAINT '); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('&1', l_seq_no, rec.cons || ' ' || l_constraint_type || ' (' || rec.col); ELSE -- We are still processing previous constraint - output this column as -- part of constraint */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('&1', l_seq_no, ',' || rec.col); END IF; l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1;
DECLARE l_last_cons CHAR(30) := '@'; l_seq_no NUMBER(3):= 0; -- Sequences output l_first_cons BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Is this first constraint? l_prev_ref_tab CHAR(30); -- Stores table name l_prev_ref_col1 CHAR(30); -- previous 1st referenced col l_prev_cons_complex BOOLEAN; -- More than one column? l_prev_ref_cons CHAR(30); -- Previous referenced constraint l_local_tab NUMBER(3);
FOR rec IN (
SELECT cd.table_name ri_tab, cd.constraint_name cons , ri_col.column_name ri_col, ref_cons.table_name ref_tab, ref_col.column_name ref_col1, ref_cons.constraint_name ref_cons FROM constraint_defs cd, all_cons_columns ri_col, all_constraints ref_cons, all_tables ref_tab, all_cons_columns ref_col, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE cd.constraint_name = ri_col.constraint_name AND copy.object_name = cd.table_name AND copy.copy_fk IS NOT NULL AND cd.r_constraint_name = ref_cons.constraint_name AND ref_cons.constraint_name = ref_col.constraint_name AND ref_col.position = 1 AND ref_tab.table_name = ref_cons.table_name AND cd.constraint_type = 'R' AND copy.object_type = 'TABLE' AND cd.owner = upper('&1') AND cd.r_owner = upper('&1') AND ri_col.owner = upper('&1') AND ref_cons.owner = upper('&1') AND ref_tab.owner = upper('&1') AND ref_col.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY ri_col.constraint_name, ri_col.position) LOOP IF RTRIM(rec.cons) <> RTRIM(l_last_cons) THEN -- This is a new constraint */ l_last_cons := rec.cons; IF l_first_cons THEN l_first_cons := FALSE; -- From here on, not first constraint ELSE -- If not very first constraint, then output 'references' section -- of the previous constraint. -- Note - can't implement as stored procedures, because role does -- not permit stored procedure to access db views. -- Determine if referencing table is local or remote. -- First - determine if a selected table SELECT count(temp_copy_objects.object_name) INTO l_local_tab FROM temp_copy_objects WHERE RTRIM(temp_copy_objects.object_name) = RTRIM(l_prev_ref_tab); -- Second - if not a selected table, determine if already local IF l_local_tab = 0 THEN SELECT count(user_tables.table_name) INTO l_local_tab FROM user_tables WHERE RTRIM(user_tables.table_name) = RTRIM(l_prev_ref_tab); END IF; IF l_local_tab = 0 THEN -- ie, not a local referencing table INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ') REFERENCES &1..' || l_prev_ref_tab); ELSE -- is a local referencing table INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ') REFERENCES ' || l_prev_ref_tab); END IF; l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ' (' || l_prev_ref_col1); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- Now we should output referenced columns..., if more than one IF l_prev_cons_complex THEN FOR rec1 IN ( SELECT all_cons_columns.column_name ref_col FROM all_cons_columns WHERE RTRIM(all_cons_columns.constraint_name) = RTRIM(l_prev_ref_cons) AND all_cons_columns.position > 1 AND all_cons_columns.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY all_cons_columns.position) LOOP INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ',' || rec1.ref_col); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END LOOP; END IF; -- Output close bracket for the previous constraint INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ');'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF; -- Remember data for next loop iteration. l_prev_ref_tab := rec.ref_tab; -- previous referenced table l_prev_ref_col1 := rec.ref_col1; -- previous 1st referenced col l_prev_cons_complex:= FALSE; -- Assume one column l_prev_ref_cons := rec.ref_cons; -- Previous referenced constraint -- Create the constraint header for this column */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, 'ALTER TABLE ' || rec.ri_tab || ' ADD CONSTRAINT '); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, rec.cons || ' FOREIGN KEY (' || rec.ri_col); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; ELSE -- We are still processing previous constraint - output this column as -- part of constraint */ l_prev_cons_complex:= TRUE; -- More than one column INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ',' || rec.ri_col); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF;
IF l_local_tab = 0 THEN -- ie, not a local referencing table INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ') REFERENCES &1..' || l_prev_ref_tab); ELSE -- is a local referencing table INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ') REFERENCES ' || l_prev_ref_tab); END IF; l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ' (' || l_prev_ref_col1); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- Now we should output referenced columns..., if more than one IF l_prev_cons_complex THEN FOR rec1 IN ( SELECT all_cons_columns.column_name ref_col FROM all_cons_columns WHERE RTRIM(all_cons_columns.constraint_name) = RTRIM(l_prev_ref_cons) AND all_cons_columns.position > 1 AND all_cons_columns.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY all_cons_columns.position) LOOP INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ',' || rec1.ref_col); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END LOOP; END IF; -- Output close bracket for the previous constraint INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('R', l_seq_no, ');'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1;
l_last_cons CHAR(30) := '@'; l_seq_no NUMBER(3):= 0; -- Sequences output l_first_cons BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Is this first constraint?
SELECT oco_name cons, td_table tab, txt_text txt FROM cdi_constraints, cdi_text, sdd_tab_defs, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE cdi_constraints.oco_ref = cdi_text.txt_ref AND copy.object_name = sdd_tab_defs.td_table AND copy.copy_ch IS NOT NULL AND oco_constraint_type = 'CHECK' AND copy.object_type = 'TABLE' AND td_tid = oco_tab_ref AND txt_type <> 'CDIDSC' ORDER BY cdi_constraints.oco_name, cdi_text.txt_seq) LOOP IF RTRIM(rec.cons) <> RTRIM(l_last_cons) THEN -- This is a new constraint */ l_last_cons := rec.cons; IF l_first_cons THEN l_first_cons := FALSE; -- From here on, not first constraint ELSE -- If not very first constraint, then output the close bracket for -- the last constraint INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('C', l_seq_no, ');'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF; -- Create the constraint header for this column */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('C', l_seq_no, 'ALTER TABLE ' || || ' ADD CONSTRAINT '); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('C', l_seq_no, rec.cons || ' CHECK ('); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; -- first line of constraint text INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('C', l_seq_no, RTRIM(rec.txt)); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; ELSE -- We are still processing previous constraint - output this column as -- part of constraint */ INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('C', l_seq_no, RTRIM(rec.txt)); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF;
l_seq_no NUMBER(5):= 0; -- Sequences output l_first_proc BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Is this first proc?
SELECT line, text FROM all_sorce, temp_copy_objects copy WHERE copy.object_name = AND copy.object_type IN ('FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE','PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY') AND all_sorce.owner = upper('&1') ORDER BY type, name, line) LOOP IF rec.line = 1 THEN -- This is a new procedure */ IF l_first_proc THEN l_first_proc := FALSE; -- From here on, not first constraint ELSE -- If not very first routine, then output the 'compile' slash -- for the previous stored routine INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('S', l_seq_no, '/'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('S', l_seq_no, 'show errors'); l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1; END IF; INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('S', l_seq_no, 'CREATE OR REPLACE ' || rec.text); ELSE INSERT INTO temp_text VALUES ('S', l_seq_no, rec.text); END IF; l_seq_no := l_seq_no + 1;
create or replace view ALL_SORCE
decode(o.type, 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE',
s.line, s.source
from sys.obj$ o, sys.source$ s, sys.user$ u
where o.obj# = s.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type in (7, 8, 9, 11)
o.obj# in (select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) and privilege# = 12 /* EXECUTE */) or exists (select null from sys.sysauth$ where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) and privilege# = -144 /* EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE */))
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