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I'm a little concerned about the rift that I hear may be going on = between Oracle and the IOUW. What I gather from Oracle's side is that = Oracle met every condition set out by the IOUG for a joint IOUG/Oracle = show and the IOUG still refused. As a result, Oracle is not supporting = the Dallas show.=20
I'm not taking sides - I used to be a regional Oracle users group = officer. There are probably a lot from both sides.
But the users seem to be the losers. Some of the best talks were by = Oracle personnel. Will the vendors go to both shows? The campgrounds = with various vendors and users and Oracle were good. I'm not sure a = show without Oracle's presence will be that good - but then neither will = an Oracle only show.
Any other thoughts out there? Received on Mon Jan 22 1996 - 21:45:14 CST
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