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> > Is it possible to approximately estimate how much disk space a export of the
> > full oracle database will occupy.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Sriram
> >
> > Email :
> >
> Dear Sriram,
> You select the datafiles from the database by the following
> way.Then you add the size of this data files.
> SQL>select name,bytes from v$datafile
> where status = 'ONLINE';
> In this way you can get size of the full database.
> Regards.
> Rajib Agarwala
Data files are merely the containers for data. The data in your tables may
only use 10% of the available space, so the size of your datafiles may be
100 meg, but your export only 10 meg.
Use this query from sqlplus to determine your free space:
break on report
tablespace_name tbs, (bytes/1048576) MEG
Now determine the full size of the database:
file_name, (bytes/1048576) MEG
Subtract the freespace total from the datafile total and this should be a good approximation of your database size for export purposes.
Jared Received on Tue Jan 16 1996 - 09:56:07 CST