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hi all....
i'm are trying to install the oraweb product, with v7.2.2.3 running on solaris 2.5 and i'm getting an error while trying to compile the BROWSE pacakage found in browse.sql. the problem relates to the identifier owa_util.html_table not being declaired. i know this is most likely a real basic pl/sql question, but i've never done it before, its 2:30am and i'd really like to get it working tonight...(this morning....????:^>..)
Errors for PACKAGE
4/4 PL/SQL: Declaration
4/50 PLS-00201: identifier 'OWA_UTIL.HTML_TABLE' must be declared
Rem This file contains one package: Rem browse - A series of procedures built on the htp, htf, Rem and owa_util packages which allow easy access Rem to Oracle data.Rem
Rem This should be run in SQL*DBA, not SQL*Plus. Rem To run this in SQL*Plus, uncomment the "set define off" below. Rem Rem The Oracle Web Agent is needed to use these facilities. Rem The package owa is needed to use these facilities. Rem The packages htp and htf are needed to use these facilities. Rem Rem Privileges required to run this as it is intended: Rem DBA, SELECT ANY TABLE, CREATE ANY PROCEDURE, EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURERem
Rem set define off
REM Creating EXTENT_MAP view...
create or replace view EXTENT_MAP as
select owner, segment_name, segment_type,
to_char(extent_id) extent_id, file_id, block_id, blocks, bytes, tablespace_name from dba_extents
'FREE', file_id, block_id, blocks, bytes, tablespace_name from dba_free_space
select l.thread#,, l.sequence#, l.bytes, lf.member file_name,
l.status group_status, l.archived, lf.status file_status
from v$log l, v$logfile lf
where =
REM Creating BROWSE package...
create or replace package BROWSE is
procedure intro;
procedure list(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table);
procedure tabs_and_views(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table);
procedure show_source(cname in varchar2);
procedure pl_sql(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table);
procedure table_columns(ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure table_browse_c (ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table, cols in owa_util.ident_arr); procedure user_tnv(cuser in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table);procedure user_plsql(cuser in varchar2);
procedure table_browse (ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table, ccolumns in varchar2 DEFAULT '*', cclauses in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, nrow_min in integer DEFAULT 0, nrow_max in integer DEFAULT NULL, cbutton in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL);procedure users(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure sessions(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure rollback_segs(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure datafiles(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure space_usage(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure freespace_usage(ntable_type in integer
DEFAULT owa_util.html_table); procedure tablespace_usage(ctablespace_name in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULTowa_util.html_table);
show errors
REM Creating BROWSE package body...
create or replace package body BROWSE is
procedure print_button_bar is
begin; htp.line; htp.print( htf.anchor('/ows-adoc/Intro.html', htf.img('/ows-img/navadm.gif',NULL,'Administration'))|| htf.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.intro', htf.img('/ows-img/navbrws.gif',NULL,'Browse'))|| htf.anchor('/ows-doc/index.html', htf.img('/ows-img/navhome.gif',NULL,'OWS Home')) );
procedure intro is
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Database Browser Introduction'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrowse.gif');;; htp.print('Does your Web Browser support HTML tables?'); htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.list?ntable_type='|| to_char(owa_util.html_table), 'Yes'); htp.print('/'); htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.list?ntable_type='|| to_char(owa_util.pre_table), 'No');; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure list(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
service_name_path varchar2(2000);
service_name_path := owa_util.get_owa_service_path;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Database Browser Options'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbropts.gif');; htp.header(2,'Welcome to the '||htf.em('Oracle Web Server')|| ' Database Browser.'); htp.header(3,'What would you like to browse?'); htp.ulistOpen; htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Tables and Views')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Stored PL/SQL')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Database Users')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Database Sessions')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Rollback Segments')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
to_char(ntable_type), 'Database Files')); htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
'Tablespace Space Usage'));
htp.listItem( htf.anchor(service_name_path||
'Tablespace Free Space Summary'));
htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure user_tnv(cuser in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is cursor object_cursor (user in varchar2) is select object_name from all_objects where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW') and owner = upper(user) order by object_name; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Tables and Views'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrtbvw.gif');; htp.header(3,'Which of '|| cuser||'''s tables and views would you like to browse?');; htp.ulistOpen; for object_rec in object_cursor (cuser) loop htp.listItem( htf.anchor (owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.table_columns?ctable='|| cuser||'.'||object_rec.object_name|| '&ntable_type='||to_char(ntable_type), object_rec.object_name) );; end loop; htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure tabs_and_views(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table)
is cursor user_cursor is select distinct owner from all_objects where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW') order by owner; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Tables and Views'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrtbvw.gif');; htp.header(3,'Which user''s tables and views would you like to browse?'); htp.ulistOpen; for object_rec in user_cursor loop htp.listItem( htf.anchor (owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.user_tnv?cuser='|| object_rec.owner|| '&ntable_type='||to_char(ntable_type), object_rec.owner) );; end loop; htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure show_source(cname in varchar2) is procname varchar2(30); procowner varchar2(30); part1 varchar2(30); part2 varchar2(30); part1_type integer; dblink varchar2(128); object_id integer; cursor c1 (n in varchar2, o in varchar2) is select line, text from all_source where name = upper(n) and owner = upper(o) order by type, line; line1s integer := 0;
dbms_utility.name_resolve(cname, 1, procowner, part1, part2, dblink, part1_type, object_id); if part1_type in (7,8) then procname := part2; else procname := part1; end if; htp.title('Source code for '||procname); owa_util.showsource(cname); print_button_bar;
procedure user_plsql(cuser in varchar2)
is cursor object_cursor (user in varchar2) is select distinct name, type from all_source where type in ('PACKAGE','PROCEDURE','FUNCTION') and owner = upper(user) order by type, name; curr_pltype varchar2(30); begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Stored PL/SQL'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrpls.gif');; htp.header(3,'Which of '|| cuser||'''s PL/SQL would you like to browse?'); htp.ulistOpen; curr_pltype := ' '; for object_rec in object_cursor (cuser) loop if object_rec.type != curr_pltype then if (curr_pltype is not NULL) then htp.ulistClose; end if; htp.listItem(object_rec.type); htp.ulistOpen; curr_pltype := object_rec.type; end if; htp.listItem( htf.anchor (owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.show_source?cname='|| cuser||'.'||, ); end loop; htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure pl_sql(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table)
is cursor user_cursor is select distinct owner from all_objects where object_type in ('PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY','PROCEDURE','FUNCTION') order by owner; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Stored PL/SQL'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrpls.gif');; htp.header(3,'Which user''s PL/SQL would you like to browse?'); htp.ulistOpen; for object_rec in user_cursor loop htp.listItem( htf.anchor (owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.user_plsql?cuser='||object_rec.owner, object_rec.owner) );; end loop; htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure table_columns(ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Select columns for '||ctable); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(1,'Select columns for '||upper(ctable)||htf.line); htp.formOpen(owa_util.get_owa_service_path||'browse.table_browse_c'); htp.formHidden('ntable_type', to_char(ntable_type)); htp.header(3,'Select specific columns to view, or just '|| 'select "Execute Query" for all columns to be shown.'); htp.para; owa_util.show_query_columns(ctable); htp.formClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure table_browse_c (ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table, cols in owa_util.ident_arr) is column_list varchar2(32000); col_counter integer;
/* The first column should always be ignored */ col_counter := 2; loop column_list := column_list||cols(col_counter)||','; col_counter := col_counter + 1; end loop; exception when no_data_found then /* Strip out the trailing comma */ if column_list is null then column_list := '*'; else column_list := substr(column_list,1,length(column_list)-1); end if; table_browse(ctable, ntable_type, column_list, NULL, 1, 100);
procedure table_browse (ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table, ccolumns in varchar2 DEFAULT '*', cclauses in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, nrow_min in integer DEFAULT 0, nrow_max in integer DEFAULT NULL, cbutton in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL) is more_rows boolean; new_min integer; new_max integer; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(upper(ctable)); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(1,upper(ctable)||htf.line); htp.formOpen(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.table_browse','GET'); if (cbutton = '<-Previous set of records') then new_max := nrow_max - 100; if (nrow_min < 100) then new_min := 0; else new_min := nrow_min-100; end if; else if (cbutton = 'Next set of records->') then new_min := nrow_min + 100; new_max := nrow_max + 100; else new_min := nrow_min; new_max := nrow_max; end if; end if; htp.formHidden('ctable', ctable); htp.formHidden('ntable_type', ntable_type); htp.formHidden('ccolumns', ccolumns); htp.formHidden('cclauses', cclauses); htp.formHidden('nrow_min', new_min); htp.formHidden('nrow_max', new_max); if (new_min > 1) then htp.formSubmit('cbutton', '<-Previous set of records');; end if; more_rows := owa_util.tablePrint(ctable, 'BORDER', ntable_type, ccolumns, cclauses, NULL, new_min, new_max); if (more_rows) then; htp.formSubmit('cbutton', 'Next set of records->'); end if; htp.formClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure users(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
ignore boolean;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Users'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrusrs.gif');; htp.header(3, 'Database user information:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('dba_users', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace,'|| 'profile,created', 'order by username', 'Username, Default TS, Temporary TS, Profile, Created'); htp.bodyClose; print_button_bar; htp.htmlClose;
procedure sessions(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
ignore boolean;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Sessions'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrsess.gif');; htp.header(3, 'Current sessions connect to your database:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('v$session', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'username, osuser, status, server, machine, program', 'where type=''USER'' order by username', 'Username, OS Username, Status, Server, Machine,Program');
print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure rollback_segs(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
ignore boolean;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Rollback Segments'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrrbsg.gif');; htp.header(3, 'Rollback segment space allocation:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('dba_segments', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'owner,segment_name,tablespace_name,bytes,'|| 'initial_extent,next_extent,extents,max_extents', 'where segment_type=''ROLLBACK'' order by segment_name', 'Owner, Rollback Segment, TS Name, Bytes, Initial, Next,Extents, Max Extents');
print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure datafiles(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
ignore boolean;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Files'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrfils.gif');; htp.header(3, 'Database files for your database:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('dba_data_files', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'tablespace_name,file_name,bytes,blocks', 'order by tablespace_name, file_name', 'Tablespace Name, File Name, Bytes, Blocks'); htp.header(3, 'Redo log files for your database:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('log_view', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'thread#,group#,sequence#,bytes,file_name,group_status, archived, file_status', 'order by thread#, group#, file_name','Thread#,Group#,Sequence#,Bytes,File Name, Group Status, Archived?, File Status');
htp.header(3, 'Control files for your database:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('v$controlfile', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'name, status', 'order by name'); print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure space_usage(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
cursor tablespace_cursor is select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces; begin
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Tablespace Usage'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrspce.gif');; htp.header(3,'Which tablespace would you like to view?'); htp.ulistOpen; for ts_rec in tablespace_cursor loop htp.listItem( htf.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'browse.tablespace_usage?'|| 'ctablespace_name='||ts_rec.tablespace_name|| '&ntable_type='||to_char(ntable_type), ts_rec.tablespace_name)); end loop; htp.ulistClose; print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure tablespace_usage(ctablespace_name in varchar2,
ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is ignore boolean; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Tablespace '||ctablespace_name); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrspce.gif');; htp.header(3,'Space usage for tablespace '||ctablespace_name||':'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('extent_map', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'owner,segment_name,segment_type,extent_id,block_id,blocks', 'where tablespace_name = '''||upper(ctablespace_name)||''' '|| 'order by tablespace_name, file_id, block_id', 'Owner, Segment Name, Segment Type, Extent ID, StartingBlock, Blocks');
print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
procedure freespace_usage(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT owa_util.html_table) is
ignore boolean;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Oracle WebServer Browse Database Freespace'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.img('/ows-img/dbbrfrsp.gif');; htp.header(3,'Available free space for your database:'); ignore := owa_util.tablePrint('user_free_space', 'BORDER', ntable_type, 'tablespace_name, sum(bytes), max(bytes),'|| ' sum(blocks), max(blocks)', 'group by tablespace_name', 'Tablespace Name, Total Free (bytes), Largest Free (bytes),'|| ' Total Free (blocks), Largest Free (blocks)'); print_button_bar; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
show errors
Received on Sun Jan 14 1996 - 02:47:26 CST