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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> response to SQL forms accept
Try Apply, then Save
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 17:15:22 +0200 From: Andreas Malandrinos <malandri_at_NAXOS.CTI.GR> Subject: SQL FORMS ACCEPT
Hello everybody!!
I am trying to create a new form in Oracle 7.0.12 SQL*Forms 3.0
After giving the name i go to the foRm menu to modify it. At the end of the
modification ( the comments adding ) i press ACCEPT but this does not return me
to the main menu ( in fact nothing happens...). Accept key ( according to the
^K information is the ^O or PF3 and works fine with the demo tables of the
forms! ). Can you tell me what is the problem????
Received on Thu Jan 11 1996 - 11:16:56 CST