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Oracle-L: by subject
- (no subject)
- 32bits ODBC Drivers
- a test
- Change users in the middle of a session?
- Condensed version
- Datafile of tablespace with rollback segment lost!
- db links and usernames/passwd's
- Designer 2K Templates
- Designer/2000 returns ORA-00942
- emailing the poster vice the list
- env-variables in oracle.ini / Forms 4.5
- Error when using Connect By in record group in Forms 4.5
- Fast Forms4.5 loading
- Forms 4.5 - Requerying a form programmatically
- Free! RCS Training materials
- Free! RCS Training materials -Reply
- I have deleted a datafile.
- Is the list down ?
- Long Raw in Pro*C
- No msgs anymore with set dig
- ORA-600 and memory space leak
- oracle beginner materials
- Problems with list?
- RefreshLink
- test - don't read
- test - ignore
- Where is DEC TCP/IP adapter ?
- Last message date: Sun Jan 07 1996 - 17:32:37 CST
- Archived on: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 10:02:16 CST