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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> DB Link ---Reply
> For one production system we're creating a database link which requires us
> to store the userid/password of the owner account on another machine. We're
> afraid that when we eventually change the password of the remote owner, the
> database link will no longer work and the local application will fail.
> How can we get around this?
> -Ken
> _________________________________________________
> Ken Anderson
U haven't refered here whether U have to use the 'DATABASE LINK' only or not;
If your 'SELECT' statements require to randomly access "some" of your 'remote DB' or sometime 'remote DB' and sometime 'local DB', in that case I have no idea to resolve this;
But, If it is like, once U start accessing the 'remote DB' and only from that 'remote DB', then I have a solution;
U have to have an entry for your 'remote DB' in your local $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file.
It should say the 'connect string', the remote DB's IP add., and ORACLE_SID.
Once U have connected to the database like $sqlplus uid/pwd_at_connect_string, U will be able to access the 'remote DB' and only that DB.
Hope this helps, and If U got solution for the first case, Let us share it.
[7m ************************ [0m [7m [5mSivasubramaniam. E [0m [7m Hcl Consulting Ltd. [0m [7m Gurgaon. India. [0m [7m e-mail : [0m [7m ************************ [0m REBIRTH -- Is it to attain our desire, That we wish in this BIRTH .? [7m ************************ [0mReceived on Wed Jan 03 1996 - 23:29:44 CST
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