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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: tns log files
Date sent: 28-DEC-1995 07:47:38
These are being created by your SQL*NET V2 Listener process.
Whenever you $ LSNRCTL START
it creates a TNS*.COM job that it then submits, logging to your
TNS_ADMIN directory as the TNS*.LOG file.
It is safe to remove them. You will notice that you will not be able to remove one of the *.LOG files as it is in use.
Purging the directory is of no help because each file is uniquely named with the VMS Process ID.
Hope this helps.
>Env: VMS6.1; Oracle7.1; SQL*Net 2.1; DECNet and TCP/IP Adapters 2.1
>Hi guys,
>I've got a lot of tns*.log and tns*.com files in my tns_admin directory.
>Each file contains around 5 lines and have essentailly the same data. I'd
>like to know if you've got the same thing. What caused their generation? And
>is it safe to remove them? It's annoying - clusters up my output, as well as
>eating disk space. I seem to get at least 2 of these files a day. The tns
>prefix seems to indicate some kind of TNS work.
> --------------------------------------------
>Leng Kaing
>DBA - Directory Technology P/L
>Tel: +61-3-9892-9081 Fax: +61-3-9892-9344
>WWW :
>Part of my directory listing (there many more):
>TNS20600257_OUT.LOG;1 TNS20604F84.COM;1
>TNS20604F84_OUT.LOG;1 TNS2080024A.COM;1
>TNS2080024A_OUT.LOG;1 TNS208034AD.COM;1
>TNS208034AD_OUT.LOG;1 TNS4020053F.COM;1
>TNS4020053F_OUT.LOG;1 TNS40203DA1.COM;1
>TNS40203DA1_OUT.LOG;1 TNS40400257.COM;1
>TNS40400257_OUT.LOG;1 TNS40400A2E.COM;1
>TNS40400A2E_OUT.LOG;1 TNS4040ED57.COM;1
>TNS4040ED57_OUT.LOG;1 TNS40600235.COM;1
>TNS40600235_OUT.LOG;1 TNS406004EB.COM;1
>Here's one of many .LOG files:
>$ on control_y then LOGOUT
>$ Set Noverify
>Here's one of the many .COM files:
>$ old_privs =
>$ define/nolog ora_root YPPRORA33:[ORACLE7.V7132.]
>$ define/nolog ora_network $10$DUA141:[ORACLE7.V7132.NETWORK]
>$ define/nolog tns_admin $10$DUA141:[ORACLE7.V7132.NETWORK.ADMIN]
>$ tnslsnr = "$$10$DUA141:[ORACLE7.V7132.NETCONFIG]TNSLSNR.EXE;4"
>$ tnslsnr LISTENER_DVAX
>$ delete $10$DUA141:[ORACLE7.V7132.NETWORK.ADMIN];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Tom Mercadante % % Database Administrator % % SUNY Plattsburgh % % % % BITNET : MERCADTF_at_SNYPLAVB.BITNET % % INTERNET : MERCADTF_at_SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU Computer Systems Center % % PHONE : (518)564-3013 Kehoe 507 % % FAX : (518)564-4415 Plattsburgh, NY 12901 % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Received on Thu Dec 28 1995 - 08:42:25 CST
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