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X-Sun-Data-Type: text X-Sun-Data-Description: text X-Sun-Data-Name: text X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 15
a long time ago i needed to replicate some production tables on a very small database. because the database was so small (due to hardware requirements) i could not use the exp and imp utilities. to get around this i used the scripts that are attached to this message. one is just a sql script and one is a shell script that executes the sql script. its output should be a create statement for a given table. i haven't used it in a while so check out its results to make sure their accurrate.
good luck
david wolcott
X-Sun-Data-Type: default X-Sun-Data-Description: default X-Sun-Data-Name: tab_create.sql X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 63
set pages 0
col maxid new_value maxid noprint
select max(column_id) maxid from dba_tab_columns where owner='&&1' AND table_name = '&&2' ;
set term off
set echo off
set concat +
spool &&1+_&&2.sql
set concat .
set feedback off
set heading off
set pagesize 0
set ver off
select 'create ' ||
' table ' ||table_name || '('
from sys.dba_tables where owner= '&&1' and table_name = '&&2'
select column_name||' '||data_type||' '||decode(nullable,'N',' not null',null)
select 'REM *********************** NEW TABLE ********************'FROM DUAL;
X-Sun-Data-Type: msdos-executable X-Sun-Data-Description: msdos-executable X-Sun-Data-Name: create_test1_tables.exe X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 1
sqlplus sys/password @tab_create DAVIDB ACCTBALS Received on Sun Mar 19 1995 - 18:41:34 CST