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Re: SCT List

From: Steve Calvert Ext. 2071 <calvert_at_HG.ULETH.CA>
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 15:53:54 -0500
Message-Id: <>


Please accept my ADVapologyANCE, I tried twice to reply with a message directly to Reinhold Broeker (Germany? see address below), but received "SMTP delivery errors" both times:

>Error-Code: 2
>Error-Text: %MX-E-PROTOERR, protocol error?
> -Retry count exceeded
> -(Via

Reinhold had sent me a question about a recent posting of mine and as I have no other way to reply to him, I am posting the reply to ORACLE-L. I would rather not have him think I had ignored him AND another ORACLE-L subscriber asked the same question so more people may want the answer anyway!

Reinhold wrote:

>>It's also important to note that:
>>  - there are fewer messages on SCT's lists than on ORACLE-L, and
>>  - ORACLE-L subscribers are not all on SCT's list ... not yet anyway ... ;)
>if "SCT's lists" is an ORACLE Listserver I would be glad getting the address.

SCT is a TLA (Three Letter Acronym - grin) for "Systems and Computing (or is it Computer?) Technology", a US software company that markets a product called "Banner". Banner is a collection of integrated Oracle-based Human Resource, Finance, Student and various related applications. It is one of the more popular University system packages available internationally. We use the SCT products at our University.

"SCT's lists" is a set of internet lists specifically set up by SCT for Banner clients. You need to use Banner to have access to the lists. Many "Banner" Universities are also subscribed to the ORACLE-L list, so most of the technical Oracle issues are posted to ORACLE-L. The "Banner Oracle" list is used mainly for Banner-related postings.

I addition to my disclaimer below, I would like to add another here since the majority of this message is about SCT. I do not work for SCT, nor do I have any connections with them other than supporting their software here. I also do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of this message ... I lie often, usually once per day, when I'm tired (if English is not your first language, please excuse this small attempt at humour).

Happy Oracle-ing !!

                          ___    ___               ___
Steve Calvert           /__ /| /__ /|            /__ /|       Opinions are mine     |  | | |  | |            |  | |       alone, unless you
Systems Analyst         |  | |_|  | |            |  | |_____    like them too !
UL Physical Plant       |  |/__|  | |            |  |/____ /|
(403)329-2071       The  \________|/niversity of |________|/ethbridge
                4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA T1K3M4

Received on Sun Mar 19 1995 - 16:22:38 CST

Original text of this message