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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> TSTSHM
FROM: Pinchas Nisenson
Hi, all
First I am happy to announce that I"ve got a clean copy
of tstshm from oracle.
The problem now is how to interpret the information
that it returns :
Number of segments gotten by shmget() = 50
Number of segments attached by shmat() = 10
Segments attach at higher addresses
Maximum size segments are not attached contiguously!
Segment separation = 268435456 bytes
Default shared memory address = 0x30000000 Lowest shared memory address = 0x30000000 Highest shared memory address = 0xd0000000 Total shared memory range = 2686451712 (0xa0200000) Total shared memory attached = 20971520 (0x1400000) Largest single segment size = 2097152 (0x200000) Segment boundaries (SHMLBA) = 268435456 (0x10000000)Thanks
Pinchas Nisenson Internet: Operating Systems Support Phone: (403) 220-4447 University of Calgary Computing Services Fax: (403) 220-9361Received on Thu Mar 16 1995 - 12:29:21 CST