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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Reply to List? Sender?
From: NAME: Bruce Pihlamae
FUNC: Information Services TEL: (06) 289-7056 <PIHLAMAE BRUCE_at_A1@CBR> To: MX%"ORACLE-L_at_CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU"@CNB09W_at_MRGATE@CBR CC: MX%"hoepfner_at_HAITI.GSFC.NASA.GOV"@cnb09w_at_mrgate@cbr
Here's a full copy of your last posting
> Return-Path: <owner-oracle-l_at_CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
> Received: by (MX V4.1 VAX) with UUCP; Tue, 14 Mar 1995
> 06:31:28 +1100
> Received: from ( []) by
> (8.6.10/8.6.9) with SMTP id DAA06412 for
> <bruce.pihlamae_at_A1.CBR.HHCS.GOV.AU>; Tue, 14 Mar 1995 03:19:03
> Message-ID: <>
> Received: from CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP V2R2) with
> id 4828; Mon, 13 Mar 95 12:05:50 EST
> Received: from CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV_at_SBCCVM) by
> (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 8675; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 12:04:51
> Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 13:01:42 -0400
> Reply-To: "ORACLE database mailing list." <ORACLE-L_at_CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
> Sender: "ORACLE database mailing list." <ORACLE-L@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
> From: Patrick Hoepfner <hoepfner_at_HAITI.GSFC.NASA.GOV>
I already get the address of the SENDER and the FROM.
Don't you?
> Subject: Re: Reply to List? Sender?
> X-To:
> X-cc: Steve Calvert <calvert_at_HG.ULETH.CA>
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <ORACLE-L_at_CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
> In-Reply-To: <> from "Steve
> Ext. 2071" at Mar 13, 95 09:25:55 am
>> > Chris Fahrner <cfahrner_at_OCTRF.ON.CA> wrote (in part):
> > On Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:08:23 EST,
.... actually, not a full list as I've cut most of the message ...
> I am new to this list and just a lurker but I believe that the traffic is
> enough to warrent limiting the mail to those that *really* intended to send
> mail to the list. *Everyone* knows the address of the list (they should
> kept the "Welcome" message). But not everyone know the address of the
> At the very least, the address of the sender should be in the "Cc:" field.
I have no problem creating a reply which has oracle-l as the destination and then cut/pasting the real sender in as a CC or replacing the oracle-l address completely.
The CC idea would be useful though.
> As someone that has a job to do (I am not payed to read mail that is
> directed at a specific user [e.g.: Thanks Bob, your suggestion worked.] ).
> The default response should be the correct response, that is, sending the
> message to the sender who should be responsible for collection, trying and
> summarizing the responses...
I have found a lot of useful tips and info in just the sort of communication that you want to abolish.
> > Since my mail program doesn't strip anything from the message, I don't
> > need the user to include their address ... therefore my opinion is
> > suspect. IMHO (and it really *should* be humble), having the mail come
> > ORACLE-L makes it much easier to read. I can perform a "dir/from=ORAC"
> > select out the Oracle messages. With 50-80 messages per day, I need this
> > separate the message threads from the various lists.
You then get 50 list messages asking for copies of the summary... Its not a perfect world.
> I believe that the 80/20% (list vs. sender) response rate to the list is
> very reason that there is 30 to 50 messages a day... The signal to noise
> ratio of this list IMHumbleO is low...
I would like more signal as well but it gets down to what is signal and what is noise. I run a VMS/VAX site and most of the UNIX stuff is noise. How should I filter that out?
Most of my replies go to the list as well as the originator simply because most people DO NOT summarise. This is a training exercise for everyone to get into the habit of doing.
I have no difficult in reading the first posting and then ignoring all the other RE: and REPLY: postings that appear.
By all means add functionality ... BUT don't remove any.
Does the mail server need to be re-written to add this functionality?
> -- Pat ---------------------------------------->
Bruce... Received on Mon Mar 13 1995 - 19:09:36 CST
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